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"Hey, Haz!" Louis said as he received Harry's call with messy hands and put it on speaker.

"Hey love, what're you up to?"

"I'm making dinner."

"You're making dinner?" Harry asked, clearly shocked at the prospect and Louis frowned, slightly offended.

"I'm trying, okay? I don't like the fact that we eat junk food every time we have a date, so wherever you're taking me today, I'll bring home-made food."

"Yeah, about that..." Harry drawls out. "I might have to cancel the date."

"No, come on! I've been waiting for 2 weeks, Hazza!"

"Baby, I know, and I'm so sorry!! I just, I completely forgot that I have to meet up with Niall to paint his new place. He's already splurged his money enough with the apartment and it was a little too expensive to get it done by professionals, so a few of our college mates and I are making a thing out of it. I'm so sorry, but I haven't seen those people in months and months!"

"Oh, alright. Go do your thing, then. I'm just going to have this delicious pizza all to myself."

"Lou, is pizza your definition of healthy food?"

"Shut up, I never said anything about healthy. I said home-made." Louis says, now frowning because of the fact that he cannot see Harry. It was very much unlike him – being so attached to one person. He'd experienced it once before and it had turned very toxic, but he was still going head on and jumping without thinking into this relationship, anyway.

'Isn't that love all about?' Louis had asked himself one night and deduced the answer to be an affirmative.

"Babe, I'm really sorry."

"It's alright, Haz. You're going to have to make it up to me on the date."

"I promise I will."

"Okay, then. That's that. Have fun with your friends, yeah? Keep a safe distance, though." He added as an afterthought and Harry laughed at his possessiveness.

"I will, you got nothing to worry about, baby."

"Good." Louis said with a smile, and they shared a laugh as Harry told him about the blunder with the paint boxes Niall had ordered, before Harry – unfortunately – had to get going so that he could show up on time.

"Alright, my darling, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye love. Have fun, I love you."

"Thanks, I love you, too." Harry repeated with a smile before ending the call, pocketing his phone, and walking out of his apartment to drive up to Niall's new one.

All through the car ride to his destination, Harry kept thinking about Louis. He kept thinking about Louis' beautiful, blue eyes. He kept thinking about Louis' pretty, soft brown hair that always stayed swept in a fringe in the most unique and Louis way possible. He kept thinking about Louis' small stature that fit easily and comfortably in Harry's laps or his arms. He kept thinking about Louis' small hands that despite the size difference, fit magnificently well in his own. He kept thinking about Louis' playful, mischievous demeanour that always had Harry wondering as to what his mind might be cooking up in the moment. He kept thinking about Louis' smile that was just so adorable and how it made him want to melt into a puddle right where he was. He kept thinking about how Louis' eyes would crinkle up, making them almost disappear into a line, when he was smiling really wide or was laughing or was just really happy in general.

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