How to get together?

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The atmosphere was rather heavy since you left his house. He could hear Reiner laughing but he was somewhere else. The last words you told him were still echoing in his head and he couldn't forget them.

"We don't belong in the same world," was all that was on his lips.

Because he was considered wealthier? Because he didn't have to lie to his mother about why he came home early? Couldn't you belong to the same world?

He thought hard. He didn't have to stay, they had invited each other, he had never said yes. They had scared you away. And the thought of you out in the rain, wasn't right. If he wanted to see his friends again, he could always see them during the week. You, on the other hand, he wasn't so sure.

-Why today... he grumbled

-What did you say? Asked Annie, her arms crossed in front of her, raising an eyebrow.

-I was just wondering, among all the days, you had to come today... he answered dryly.

-Like we told you, your mother... started Reiner.

-I understood the situation, but tonight was really not the right night, he retorted. I need some fresh air. Make yourself at home, you know how, he continued, taking his jacket and going out the back door.

Reiner frowned.

-Is he talking about his girlfriend?

-Who else? Said Annie. Although she's not, yet...

-Is that what I think it is?

-I hope not... Annie replied.

Definitely, the mood in the house is heavy for so many different reasons.

The rain was so heavy. Were you home? He still had this feeling that you weren't, since you looked so stubborn. Where could he find you? Before his thought was finished, he had stopped in front of your supermarket and walked around to find you at the workers' door, under what little cover the half-roof had to offer you.

You shook your head in disbelief. Why was he there? You put your hair back in place, soaked and disheveled.

-Why? you started.

-Because I knew you wouldn't be home...

You lowered your head, not knowing what to say. Why wouldn't he leave you alone?

-In fact, it's mostly because of what you told me when you left... he paused, sitting next to you. I felt something unpleasant, and I knew that it would stay on my conscience.

You turned to him and frowned, trying to understand what he was getting at.

-We don't belong in the same world...


-Yes, well that's what I think. But that's not a bad thing, you continued, I just think sometimes it's important to point out differences that can be barriers in relationships... I just didn't want us to get it wrong. I... for example... can't keep up with everything you would do.

He turned to you. He would have liked that.

-You on the other hand, will surely not like my lifestyle.

How could you know if he had never tried?

-So that's why I told you that we don't belong to the same world. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of getting too used to being around you...when we've known each other for what 24 hours?

-Longer, more like a week, right? he answered with a smile on his lips.

You blushed and smiled.

We don't belong to the same world [Bertholdt Hoover x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now