Chapter 18: They're Engaged

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"Loki do you have to embarrass me? I didn't mind when you pulled this shit when you were younger but you are a man! Stop pretending to be something you're not!" Odin scolded Loki when she arrived to the party.

"Odin!" Frigga hit Odin in the shoulder with the back of her hand and gave him a glaring look.

"With all due respect, Allfather. Loki is not a man nor a woman and you're being an awful parent by saying to opposite," you spoke up.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Loki whispered.

"I beg your pardon?" Odin rose from his throne with fire dancing in his angry blue eyes.

"Your traditional mannerisms and beliefs are doing nothing but holding your family and kingdom back. So many people under your rule are scared to even be themselves because you don't accept people like Loki." You continued.

"And what would you know about that?" He growled.

"My father is the same way. It's difficult to even live in a kingdom that is stuck in a conservative pattern." You replied with fake confidence.

"Odin she's right, you know how I feel about this." Frigga quipped softly.

    "This is absurd!" Odin boomed.

    "No, you're absurd, father." Loki retorted.

    "You're lucky I don't banish you." Odin told her.

    "I'm sorry, over her gender identity?  I don't think you deserve her as your child."

    "I'm the only reason Loki's still alive." He fought back.

    "Enough of this. Odin you are in the wrong, end of story." Frigga snapped and shooed you and Loki away.

    "You're lucky we're not banished, that was completely irresponsible, darling." Loki scolded you.

    "And he's lucky I didn't say more than I did," you informed her.

    "I admire your passion to help others, but I don't need it. I've been doing this since I was five hundred." She replied.

"The thing is, you don't have to deal with him by yourself," you suggested. Her eyes glanced to the ground then back up to you.

"No. This, whatever this is, isn't real. You don't need to pretend like you care and you do not need to act like we're married. Because we're not, not yet at least," She told you firmly before walking off. You heart sunk and your eyes welled up with tears. Each word she spoke rang in your brain.

Time moved slow yet fast. Before you knew it, the party had began. You sluggishly made your way back to the throne and prepared for Odin to announce your engagement. Loki's eyes were glued to the floor as she twirled her hair around anxiously. You tapped your foot and focused your hearing on Odin's unbearable raspy voice.

"And now presenting: Princess Loki and her betrothed Y/n Idunadottir; princess of Alfheim!" Frigga announced while Odin pouted in his intimidating gold throne.

You stood up slowly and allowed Loki to reluctantly guide you into the now cleared dance floor. She placed her hands on your waist and motioned for you to place yours on her shoulders. You complied but avoided eye contact. Each step was stiff and proper; almost as if you were both desperate to be separated.

Your thoughts became louder as you began to zone out. Loki's words echoed and your intrusive thoughts worsened and suddenly the dance ended.

"Loki, would you like to dance?" Frigga's lady-in-waiting crept up on the both of you. Her shrill voice made the two of you shudder.

"I'd be delighted," Loki replied through her clenched jaw. She removed her hands from your waist and shot you a pleading look before walking off with the girl who was bouncing eagerly on her toes. You scoffed at Loki's silent begging and stormed off to the corner of the ballroom.

    You watched in utter distaste as Loki danced the night away, switching out her dance partner every few songs.

     "Hey! Fancy seeing you hiding in this..corner. What's wrong?" Ila approached you with a redheaded woman following closely behind her.

    "Nothing, I'm fine." Your voice cracked.

    "Why aren't you dancing with your fiancé?" She asked as she sat down beside you.

    "She may be my fiancé but we are nothing more. Not friends, not lovers, nothing," you responded.

    "What? You seemed fine earlier," she replied softly.

     "Yeah well earlier she wasn't upset with me for caring, so I'm done caring." You retorted.

    "Oh is that was this is about?" The redhead questioned.

    "Who are you?" You sniffled.

    "Jenna, Ila's wife." She stuck out your hand which you shook quite limply.

    "Look this is a good thing. If she's scared to become attached that means she likes you." Ila explained.

    "Bullshit, she's smart. She should know not to be an asshole if she likes someone," you snapped.

    "Look we're just trying to help, dear. If you want we can keep you company for the night," Jenna spoke up.

    "That would be nice," you sighed. Jenna sat down on next you, sandwiching you between her and Ila. For the rest of the night they tried their best to cheer you up as you glared at your fiancé who was gliding across the dance floor.


I hate Odin with a burning passion

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I hate Odin with a burning passion.

Olivia <3

Arranged Marriage | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now