Chapter 14: Twenty Questions

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"I don't understand how you could be so irresponsible!" Odin yelled at you and Loki who stood in the throne room before him.

"Odin, calm your temper. It was just a silly prank," Frigga whispered to her husband.

"No! The whole point of this marriage was for you to mature, Loki! Wether you like it or not this is happening, we will announce your engagement tonight at the party." Odin's loud tone rang through the hallow throne room, bouncing off each surface and coming back to Loki in a teasing way. He held tears back best he could as he stared into his father's eye.

"You are dismissed," Odin finally waved the two of you way.

    "Loki I am so sorry," you told him once you were out of Odin's sight.

    "Y/n, its ok. Don't apologize. It was a good idea," he replied.

"Yeah but now you're stuck with me," you continued.

"I don't mind." He admitted.

"Sure," you whispered doubtfully. The rest of the walk back to his quarters was eerily quiet. You could feel his eyes digging into the top of your head as you walked beside him.

"I can feel your eyes digging into my scalp," you laughed as you pulled the tall door open.

    "I can't read your mind, but I can tell that you doubt me." He grabbed the door from you and gestured for you to enter first.

    "You just got scolded for something that wasn't even your idea and now the marriage is even more solidified then before!" You protest.

    "He's been yelling at me since I was old enough to comprehend what he was saying, its fine. And Like I said, I don't mind." He told you firmly.

    "Loki, thats awful." You sighed and placed a hand on his forearm.

"Whats awful is that you have no dresses appropriate for the party tonight," he changed the subject quickly and slid over to your wardrobe.

"Whats awful is that you assumed I'd wear a dress," you retorted.

"What are you wearing then?" He asked you curiously.

"A suit," you grinned slyly.

"A suit?" He repeated you.

"Yes a suit, I need to purchase one in the village but I've always wanted to wear a suit to a party!" You exclaimed.

"Then let us acquire a suit." Loki grinned.

    "You should get a dress," you joked as you touched up your makeup.

    "Anything for my lady." He responded and held the door open for you once again.

    "Then it's settled. We'll break gender norms at our engagement party." You replied.

    "If we're being forced to marry, we might as well make it fun." He joked as he guided you to the exit of the palace. The walk down to the village and markets was unsurprisingly pleasant.

    "I feel like I don't know much about you, yet I also know a lot." Loki spoke up once you made it out of the palace grounds.

    "Well I'm a trauma dumper, so you'll learn personal things first then the stupid shit." You explained.

    "Okay, how 'bout this. Twenty questions?" He asked.

    "Sure, you ask first." You responded.

    "Favorite color?" He started.

    "F/c 'cause I'm hot. How old are you?" You continued the game.

    "1,078, you?" He inquired.

    "You can't ask me the same question, thats lame. But I'm 1,080." You replied truthfully.

    "Do you have a question for me?" He laughed.

    "Hold up, I'm thinking." You hushed him.

    "Must be hard work thinking one simple question." He joked.

    "Says the one who literally stole my question," you scoffed. He rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently to wait for you.

    "What is your favorite food?" You finally quizzed.

    "Fårikål, mother used to make it all the time!" He exclaimed.

"My mother used to make that too, she was an excellent cook," you told him.

"What was your mother like?" He asked softly.

"She was very creative and free-spirited, and very mischievous. Her and father used to have an ongoing prank war in the palace. She taught me how to fight and how to use my old powers to my advantage.." You trailed off, "sorry I don't mean to talk so much." You sighed once your eyes met Loki's.

Instead of looking annoyed or disgusted, Loki listened intently. His usually expressionless face was softened as he took in every word you spoke.

"You're not talking to much. You're playing the game. I asked you a question and expected an answer." He assured you.

"Okay, how about you. Whats the royal family of Asgard really like?" You took your turn and listened as Loki explained the dynamics of the palace. When he spoke, he was extremely passionate.

His respect for his mother was high and you could tell. His face lit up and his smile shown through as he told you about her. How she taught him magic and basic life skills that Thor refused like cooking, cleaning and even caretaking.

He spoke ill of his father but from what he had to say you could tell it was justified. Odin seemed awful and negligent. It reminded you of your own father after your mother's passing.

The most comedic thing was his relationship with Thor. The ongoing pranks stuck out the most and were very obviously Loki's favorite part. They always fought alongside each other and despite their disagreements it was clear that Thor was one of his favorite people.


Odin should eat glass

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Odin should eat glass.
Also it has come to my attention that some Marvel fans watch the movies in release order and not chronological...I am deeply disturbed.

Olivia <3

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