Chapter 14 - Run Away

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If it had been anyone else I probably would've been mad. I probably would've taken her home, regardless of what runs through her veins. But for the first time I saw her mother reflected in her. River's brows arched furiously each time she scowled, she'd stand with a rigidly straight back whilst her lips pursed into a thin angry line. When Olivia turned back to glare at me, I could even see me in the way she narrowed her eyes. It's probably not a good sign to only notice these similarities when she's mad.

"Why are you grinning like a goofy idiot?" she growled after catching up to her.

"No reason."

"Well, stop it. It's very distracting."

The closer we got to Hovarth's building the more aware I became of music booming out from its open windows. Bobby Vee to be exact.

"Of course, he likes his musical interludes. Smarmy bastard." Olivia groaned.

Bobby Vee kept crooning, "Once upon a time that little girl was mine. If I'd been true I know she'd never be with you."

Cal was dancing in his room with another Sian female, scantily dressed and being swung about the room whilst doing her best to hold on to Cal's neck before being spun out in a grand pirouette.

"And if you should discover", Cal had begun to belt out with the music, "that you don't really love her, just send my baby back home to me."

"Take good care of my baby? Seriously, Cal?" Olivia shouts.

The girl he'd been dancing with gasps before running from the room, grabbing her shoes and garments as she went. Cal smirked widely, wiping the lipstick markings from his mouth before collapsing onto a chair as white as his suit. He sat barefoot, relaxed and casual with his hands behind his head.

"How's my favourite gal pal?" he cooed.

Olivia rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here, Cal?" I asked, cautiously.

"The usual." He said evasively.

"Raising hell?" asked Olivia, one brow arched questioningly.

"Something like that." He nodded.

"You're the one leading the citizens of Sian in a vote of no confidence in Vista, aren't you?"

"Doctor, you are one curious little kitten aren't you?"

"Answer him, Cal."

"Of course I am. But if it makes you feel better, it's just business nothing personal."

"How so?"

"Her General wants to put the planet under military control. He paid me a generous fee to stir up trouble for her campaign."

"What is it with you and militaries?" I asked, venomously. "Were your parents in the army? Did they die in battle leaving you to bounce around foster homes? Huh?"

Cal glowered then smirked again. "Can you believe his attitude?" he asked Olivia. "How can you stand his self-righteousness? The flippant arrogance. You know you'd be much happier with me."

"Oh, really?" she scoffed. "So I can help you strip planets of their treasures, whilst wondering if you'll drop me into a volcano the next time you tire of me and bounce around with less attractive women?"

He beamed victoriously before getting to his feet again.

"Don't be jealous, Ollie. You know you're the only one for me."

With perfect timing the song changed to The Flamingos' 'I Only Have Eyes For You' and Cal started to sing along, "My love must be a kind of blind love. I can't see anyone but you."

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