They Get Jealous When..

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Archie Andrews : Archie gets jealous when you talk to the other bulldogs, it makes him feel insecure that you're not talking to him instead of everyone else.

Jughead Jones : Chuck Clayton or Reggie Mantle is constantly flirting with you just to get Jughead annoyed or try to make fun of him. When they take it a step too far Jughead becomes all over you afterwards.

Veronica Lodge : When Hermosa talks to you about her gadgets and missions and you seem interested, it makes Veronica feel like she has nothing better to show you.

Betty Cooper : When she's busy and you already found a lead and went in the woods with Jughead to find an answer for a case.

Kevin Keller : When you've been playfully flirting with another hot guy just down the hallway, even if you didn't mean it sexually.

Fangs Fogarty : When you've been spending time to help your sick friend and most days you come home super late, making Fangs suspicious and extremely jealous.

Sweet Pea : When some other guy is flirting with you, or you're talking to a boy and you look like you're having lots of fun.

Toni Topaz : When you went home on Jughead's motorcycle instead of calling her to pick you up and drive you home.

Cheryl Blossom : When you hangout with anyone more than her. Just in general, Cheryl is always jealous, so be careful who you hang out with. But she's worth dating 🤌

Reggie Mantle : When you decide to spend more time with the river vixens rather than him.

Josie McCoy : When you decide to help Archie song write and practice with the other pussycats.

FP Jones : When you're with Hiram talking about business and it didn't involve FP, (FP knows that Hiram is a bad person so he does everything to protect you).

Fred Andrews : Fred would be fine with whatever you do with whoever as long as it isn't anything sexual. Fred is a pretty chill guy and he trusts you. (No Cheating, Kissing, or having affairs)

Chuck Clayton : Hanging out with Archie Andrews. Literally that simple, or yk what, hanging out with ANY OTHER GUY even if it's Kevin Keller. You are like his property, even if you allow him to talk to other girls you just can't.

Polly Cooper : When you solve mysteries and spend the day with Betty, leaving Polly in the dark not knowing what happened or anything.

Alice Smith : When she's in an argument and you sometimes have to take the other person's side for reasonable reasons.

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