How To Dominate The Dance

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"Your father was a great student. He did as told and did it proficiently. Learned quickly, dedicated to Miyagi teaching. Your uncle was another story. Uncle was reckless. Violent. Jealous of your father. A long time ago, uncle was adopted by your grandparents. Grandmother was told she couldn't have children of own. Georgie loved uncle like his own, did anything for him. But his temper was big issue. Few years later, your grandmother found she was pregnant with child. Your father. It was a miracle. But your uncle felt deceived. As they grew, so did uncle's anger. He pick fights with father, beat and bullied him constantly. Grandfather Georgie brought them to me at right age, told me to train the boys in balance. I did as told, but that does not mean both boys cooperated. Uncle showed signs of neglect, hurt. I tried to help, but he pushed me away."

You felt your heart begin to crumble in your chest. This was the most you had ever heard about your uncle. Considering you weren't allowed to have contact with him, you never considered his side of the story. It intrigued you, and you never realized how badly you wanted to know this information until it was given to you.

Mr. Miyagi let you soak in his words. The tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to imagine what this all must've been like. You had no idea your uncle was adopted. You had no idea Mr. Miyagi had taught them both. He had watched the rise and downfall of your uncle.

"Why-" the lump in your throat restricted you, "why didn't I know anything about my uncle?"

Mr. Miyagi nodded his head in sorrow. "I'm afraid that is story for family to tell."

Shutting your eyes tight, you let your tears fall. You didn't know what else to say, but luckily, Mr. Miyagi filled the silent void.

"I see much of your father in you. Quick learner. Obedient. He would be proud."

You smiled, wiping away your tears. It made your heart warm, knowing he was probably looking down on you now.

I really hope I do make you proud, dad.

When you composed yourself, a full toothed grin flashed on your face for a brief moment. Curiosity loomed over you.

"My father taught me karate... but he didn't teach me like this." You gestured to the chores all around you.

"Hai," Mr. Miyagi smiled, "that's because he never teach you karate. You taught self."

Your features softened before quickly fading into a sense of confusion. "I don't understand-"

"Your father was very wise man. When you were younger, your uncle threatened family, so he protected you by not introducing you to this part of his life. He kept his karate secret, so uncle would never find you. Over years, your father kept his practice, in case anything were to happen. Moved you all the way across country. He came back home to me one day, said you were watching him meditate. Told me you joined in. So, just by watching him everyday, you practiced along with him. He did not teach karate to you, you teach self."

A flood of memories washed over you. There were images of you finding your father in the backyard, meditating peacefully under the large oak tree. You would go up beside him and mimic his movements. Thinking back on it now, you really did teach yourself. It wasn't until your father went on that big business trip to California, that he came back and really started to dive into the practice with you. But now you see it wasn't a business trip at all, he was going back to visit Mr. Miyagi.

It was a small world.

Just being this close to Mr. Miyagi, felt like you were with your father again. You were so blinded by happy memories cascading through your vision, you hadn't processed the massive step forward that you had just taken toward him. It wasn't until you had wrapped your arms around him that you realized what you were doing.

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