Chapter Nine

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"A red rose?" Persephone asked.

"Yes, the reddest one you can find," Rarity said.

"And exactly why do you need a red rose?" Persephone asked.

Rarity thought of the perfect lie.

"Um, I think it would go perfectly with this dress I'm working on," Rarity lied. Persephone looked a little suspicious but didn't question it further.

"I'm not sure where I could find the roses," she stared out at the millions of flowers that bloomed all around them. "Then again, I'm not sure about anything since Hades still won't take me in for my six months. Been waiting a month already."

"Wait, so you're the reason we snow?" Rarity asked. Persephone nodded.

"Because while I'm with Hades--" Persephone began, before a black hole swallowed Rarity up. She screamed as she slid down darkness, landing in a dank, dark, dusty, moldy stone room. A boy with deathly black hair and ghost white flesh was seated at the table in front of her, his horrid black eyes zipping to her face.

"Excuse me; I don't think I should be here," Rarity nervously started backing away. "I think you have the wrong girl."

"I, Hades, don't make mistakes," the boy said. "I have reasons as to why you're here. I've heard your plans for making that love potion."

That's when Hades produced a vial with a red liquid in it.

"This is the love potion you desire," he said, handing her the vial. "You may use it on condition."

"Anything," Rarity said.

"You must remember the consequences," Hades warned. "That potion had no antidote, and it's the strongest one there is. If this boy falls in love with you too hard, then that's on you."

Rarity couldn't say anything because she was falling again, landing on her butt next to the arena where all the celebrations had been happening. She clutched the vial tightly in her hands as she ran towards the palace, praying that it would work.

Dashie: hey, has anyone seen r around anywhere??

Sunset: been missing 4 a while

Rarity: What do you mean? I've been here this whole time!

Sunset didn't believe it.

She set down her phone when she saw Joan of Arc-she thought-and Aethelred-she thought-walking in the courtyard. The Middle Ages competitors, with Aethelred already out, Joan still in. The second trial would eliminate everyone but two. And those two would be helping out Jacob and Rainbow Dash. And she couldn't recall Rainbow needing help from other people than her friends.

"So what was it like having to deal with those awful Vikings?" Joan asked as they sat down, and Sunset noticed the picnic basket on her arm.

"Just horrible," Aehtelred said as they started eating the food in the basket. "My kingdom nearly went bankrupt!"

"Well, having to deal with your descendants was just cruel," Joan complained. "I swear, they burned me for wearing men's clothes!"

"I'll have to speak with them then," Aehtelred declared, taking Joan's hand and delicately kissing it. Joan blushed.

Sunset fought back a grin as well as the urge to record this to send to Rainbow. Joan of Arc and Aethelred the Unready (maybe?) in love! It was so cute!

But still.

Sunset missed Rainbow. She, Rainbow, Applejack, and Twilight were the closest out of their group of seven, with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity their own little trio. The four of them seemed to do a lot more together, even going so far as making knit bracelets. They had made the group chat for just the four of them, so they could text each other and make fun of each other. Again, all part of the fun.

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