Chapter Three

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The looming Trials of Zeus was pretty much the only thing in people's minds, and it didn't help that they were happening in just two days. Even the girls back on Earth kept making little hints, but Twilight knew that they had to be careful. One little slip and the secret could be spilled.

Not to mention she was still getting strange looks thanks to her PTSD attacks. She once woke up screaming when Spike's fur rubbed against her arms, making her think of myraks. She couldn't even make it through one chemistry class without nearly—or actually—fainting.

Now, as to how Rainbow Dash managed to get this far without freaking out was anyone's guess. It was like she had numbed against everything.

Okay, not exactly everything.

The nightmares were still around, and supposedly coming in worse than before.

But Twilight wasn't fully sure; Rainbow was still on Olympus since it would be useless to come back to Earth and then run off a couple days later.

But Twilight knew one thing.

She wanted to see exactly why she's heard Athena talking about "the loser dying."

Was that the truth? Was her friend's life really at stake over a competition? Death had already taken Blaze (Hera's phoenix) and Icarus (the guy who flew too close to the sun and his wax wings melted). Why did he have to take one of two innocent teenagers?

Then she remembered Death waited for no one.

 There was nothing they could do besides wait for the first trial.

That's what Zeus said.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she kept flopping a pillow across the room. She and Jacob had been locked in as they set up the first trial, with news of the progress so good it was being pushed to tomorrow. If they could.

It was the thought of dying that scared her.

And her dreams made sure of that. All week, every night, she'd had visions of being tortured and killed in some of the most gruesome ways, last night betting to be the worst, with getting pulled apart piece by piece by myraks as Poseidon laughed in amusement. Because that's how she should be calming her already jumping nerves.

And supposedly later they were supposed to get these tunics they had to wear for the trials. Later seemed like forever, though, as there was literally nothing to do in her room. Already made enough drawings to last a week's worth of nightmares.

Only one thing was certain.

There was no way in the history of anything she was telling her friends her life was on the line now.

Sunset: just wondering... any news about the toz yet??

Rarity: toz??

Sunset: the trials of zeus. i swear, jacob is the only thing on ur mind rn

Dashie: don't tell me u like the kid...

Rarity: Of course I do!

Dashie: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Pinkie: ummmm....

Applejack: let's see, there was a list i had of rarity love interests...

Twilight: u didn't

Fluttershy: She can't lie well, you know.

Applejack: found it and put jacob on it

Sunset: truth b told, i think he's into u, dash...

The Goddessy II: The Trials of ZeusWhere stories live. Discover now