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The destruction of this village was just another visage of the rage the crimson kin had rights to hold. The smoke and fire clouded the sky's tainting the pure clouds of white, my angels flocked around me in a perfect circle as one of them carried the now marked fledgling paladin. When our king returned with her I was surprised to see the markings scrolled across her cheeks and hands, how ever such things are not uncommon amongst the crimson kin.

To be marked is a sign of trust and understanding, if a blood elf would mark another of its kind then they are considered as close to family as blood descendants. How ever the nature of the mark determines it's purpose and meaning, some are marks of comrades while others are marks of family and adoption. In more rare cases the mark also means a soul mate was found, these marks will appear the moment the blood elf encounters their soul mate or soul mates.

Judging by the little I saw on her form she is lucky then to be a soul mate of our king, for a moment a peng of jealousy shot through my heart. I crushed it as I knew that my king could have me when ever he pleased, he could have as many as he wanted for he is the true king of all blood elves. He has slain gods and mortals alike, conquered the ancient tree of Yggdrasil, and formed a packed with my flock of angels and I.

His out right desire to protect and elevate his people has been and always will be his prime source of courage and honor. This alone caught the attention of the forming goddess The Queen of the Blood Night, and why she has attached her self to the crimson kin fervently. A wisp of wisdom that all angels respect, and even now will not question.

How ever now for the first time we feel his true wraith as we make progress to his location. His initial forward advance with out us showing his concern for the blood elves of this mortal world, the blatant disregard for hus own safety showing his bravery. How ever I narrow my own eyes focusing my divine sight on the dark storm clouds that spread twords us at an unnatural speed.

The smell of electricity seeps into the ozone around us as we advanced through the sky to aid our king. How ever we are buffeted by fowl winds as the storm rages past us and intensifies, rain fell as a wall of liquid impacting our forms. The ground beneath our wings turned to mud from the churned up dirt that was the path that these beast men took, trees swayed as less plants became drenched and heavy with rain.

Then I came to a halt as a flash of black light struck down from the dark black clouds striking in the distance. I narrowed my sight to see columns of black smoke from fires burning rising from ruins that barely poked out amongst the oppression of the heavy rain. The black was lightning striking the ground in rapid random strikes battering the ruins and sending black smudges flying into the sky. My heart clenched as I knew what power this was, the infamous black lighting of our king let loos in a storm of rage, then I heard it faintly like a whisper on the wind. Laughter, crazed, manic, and depraved.

My heart ached and sunk into a dark place as the truth washed over me like the storm that surrounded my angels and I. Our golden light just specks of dust in the storm darkness our king unleashed on these monsters of chaos, for just a moment I felt pity for these pore slaves, they had provoked the wraith of the one being that would not blink an eye at their folly. This once of pity dissipated as worry set in for my angels and The knew charge that was left for us to care for, the truth that this storm was forcing us back did not settle well with us all.

Looked down and scanned the ground for a place to land, how ever no obvious and clear safe haven presented its self. Faced with such dangers I made the decision that aided my angels, I motion for my angels to land as I allowed the wind to guide me to the ground. There was a slightly elevated mound of earth that would be considered a hill, I reach out my hand and channelled the magic that bloomed in my chest. "Fifth level, maximized magic, Mold Earth." I uttered as the small hill enlarged.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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