Taking Stock

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To say 'I am loving' my current position would be an understatement, having a solar angel sitting on your lap while your head is buried into her bountiful breasts would be only topped by have some bedroom activities with said Angel. And while I wanted to experiment more, after feeling a pressure in my new bodies loins, the universes rule of bad time and cock block took into effect.

How you ask, simply. When you have a voice instantly enter your head that is not your own. I knew it was the message spell that used in the game, now that there was no chat box for conversations to happen, it seems the function turned into a direct telepathy. Which when you are snuggling into an angel can really dampen the mood, how ever now I truly have the responsibilities of king of possibly one of the largest cities on the plain.

'Your highness, apologies if I have interrupted your grace, I am the white lion Wizard Triss Brenna that servers the royal prince Nathaniel. He has instructed me to deliver his report of the defense of the first wall, would you like to hear it?' The voice was quite and sound almost frail, like a timid kitten mewing for attention.

I opened my eyes and groaned into Asha's chest as I reluctantly replied.
'You may speak, what does my son have to report.' My mental voice was starting to match my physical one in its cold and serious tone.  

'Of course your grace, Prince Nathaniel has deployed his full army of white lions across the main wall, and reinforced the garrison, from what our look outs can see the forest is of medium density and there is alread a light dirt road leading into its depths from the first gate. The local wild life has scattered and we have yet to spot any humanoids of any description, and the angels have informed us that the weave is calm.' The wizard known as Triss Brenna reported. The information was limited but it did let me get a general understanding of outside the walls.

'Inform Nathaniel to gather six ranger teams supported by druids to scout the forest and the surroundings, I will know what is in one mile of my city.' I instructed her, the wording was clear. I will know what is happening around us and they will provide me with the information.

'At once your grace!' She replied with heist and disconnected the spell. I began to nuzzle Asha's chest again letting my mind relax, the local area was relatively safe and the forest would be put to good use. In terms of natural resources the area the city was sent to was nearly perfect for expansion and cementing a good foundation, I just wish I could have the system show me what the entire guild and city had to work with.

My lamentations were answered by another message this time it was Eiveris her bubbly voice making me smirk subconsciously. 'Oh Father I have news for you! All the people are safe and after some quick explaining understand what just happened, and are riled up to get to work! The Guard and garrisons are also ready for your word, how ever the mines seem to need some attention. But the best of all is that the system is still working in the city!'

My mind stopped for half a second as I processed what she had just informed me, I blinked twice as a sudden rush of shit to the brain melted away to the feeling of being a complete idiot. I slumped my head into Asha's breasts, which made her hold onto my head tighter. 'Thank you Eiveris find out more details about the mines, and make sure the resources of the city are accounted for.' I command before the connection cut.

'Of course the system is still working you dolt you still have a HUD, though its nearly stripped to bare bones. How ever that was my choice before this all happened' I berated my self at not realizing this fact sooner. How ever the real question was how much of Yggdrasil transfered with them to this new world and what exactly could it do. 'I am going to have to set some base lines it seems, Time to take stock of the new rules' I decreed to my self as I reluctantly removed my self from Asha's embrace.  Sitting straight I hear the familiar sound of mental clinking against stone as Alverlin enters the throne room from a side door followed by a full platoon of Crimson Guard.

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