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As soon as the notification appeared I knew what would happen next. The female blood elf knight gazed past my head and her eyes dilated turning to small moons in size, I saw the reflection of what has caught her attention, floating above my head was a crimson crystal crown with four tall points. Each point had a gem stone socked in the base of Each point, one sapphire, one ruby, one diamond, and one emerald. The entire crown was formed from blood crystals, and it radiated power.

This was not all she saw as I knew what would come next, soon a beem of light of crimson color shot into the sky. It would break the clouds and cause them to swirl around the beam of light in a dark and ominous fashion, in the center of the beem was a sigil of my crown for all to see. It was at this moment I knew that hiding who I was would be impossible for the immediate future, and that if the effects of the crimson crown still played out like it did in Yggdrasil, then I was about to have to deal with a major threat to my kind.

For the first time I heard her speak, it was only just a whisper. "The Blood kings beacon.."

Her voice was light and quit feminine, with a hit of an accent that sounded swedish. This caused her voice to sound as if she is singing slightly, it was wonderful to hear. I locked eyes with her, my azure blue melting into her rose gold, my heart beat increased as I felt something stir inside it. A pulse of magic erupted from our bodies my crimson aura mixed with her weak golden one. I felt heat build up over my left peck, and my skin began to change under my armour.

I saw the same effect happen over her body as well, her face grimaced at the feeling as she held on to my form tightly. Azure blue tattoo's spread over her exposed skin forming celtic like swirls to appear across her features. A full line highlighted her jaw line and came across her cheek bones acting like eye shadow for her eye lids, soon her breathing became normalized as she regained her strength.

I gently let her go to see if she could stand on her own, and to my lack of surprise she could, she pulled off her gauntlets to examine the patterns that had formed on the back of her hands. She look up from her hands to me, emotions flared in her eyes, she quickly sorted through her thoughts.

"You.. Bare the crimson crown.. The beacon came from your form.. Who.. Are you?" Her stammering voice combined with her slight accent pInted her in an absolute cute light.

It took great will power not to snicker at her compleat bewilderment at the situation, seeing as in back in Yggdrasil seeing me in my full glory was a death sentence to any player that had the brass tacks to try their luck. Here in this new world I was just an enigma, a new player in the world politics and power struggles. How ever it seemed that the legend of the crimson crown was known here, this gave me some room to flex my role playing muscles.

I audibly sighed as I turned to face her my creative mind kicking into over drive as I thought of ways to explain.

"I am Runeon Hawken, First blade of the Goddess Quotbin, I am the true king of our kind. I was crowned so by my deity, and through trials of combat and battle I have proven worthy of my title of king. I sensed great turmoil and fear from this place and I rushed to quell it, I followed your struggle against these beasts." As I nudged one with the toe of my boat.

"That is when I encountered the scene before me and decided to act. I refuse to see any of my kind slaughtered and raped by any race." I finished my explanation and introduction.

I watch her reaction carefully as she digested all this new information in. She looked confused for a moment before the pieces started to click into her mind, her mouth opened and closed as if stammering to get any words out.

"Its.. Finally true.. The prophecy of your arrival is true.. By the all mouther our people are finally saved.." She stammered out as tears pricked at her eyes.

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