Chapter 35

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Ruby, Ren, Jaune and Nora were now still walking their way to Haven again.

Nora:"Another day, another adventure."

Ruby:"What's the agenda today?" she asked Jaune, who was holding the map.

Jaune:"Walking." he said sarcastically.

Nora:"Matching with..." she asked.

Ren:"Walking." he responded calmly.

Ruby then sighed in annoyence.

Ruby:"Haven is a lot further away than I thought." she said disappointed that the travel was still too long.

Ren:"Ruby...How long did you think this trip was going to take?"

Ruby:"I DON'T KNOW!!! I grew up in a small town and never went this far from home!" she yelled.

Jaune:"Sure, but ... How long?" he asked her.

Ruby:"Maybe I don't know... Two weeks?"

Jaune:"WHAT?!?" he asked angrily as Ruby gulped.

Ruby:"Okay, right, three or something... Look, whatever..." she said pouting, before noticing a small abandoned town.

Nora then run up to see it more clearly as Jaune raised an eyebrow.

Jaune:"That's strange....I didn't think we were going to find another village for a few days." he said.

Nora:"Are those buildings are destroyed."

Ren:"Let's look for survivors!" he said as the four then start running towards the small town.





Once they got there, it was quiet like in a cemetary there was no signs of life, but the young hunters still tried to find something or someone.

Ruby:"Found something?"

Nora:"Nothing around here!"

Jaune:"Nobody around here either."

Ren:"It almost feels like the city has been abandoned..."

Ruby then look around, but had the feeling that a presence was following them, but this feeling was shrugged off when Nora call the others...

Nora:"Hey, I think I found something!" she yelled as she pointed at the name of the town, Oniyuri.

Nora:"Oniryuri. Never heard of it."

Jaune:" Me neither." he said as he touched his chin.

Ren:"I have." he said as the three turn to Ren.

Ren:"They think of her as the Mountain Glenn of Anima. In case it had never been finished. Years ago Mistral's richest men were unhappy with the direction of the kingdom. Frustrated with the advice, they pooled their resources to build their own city. With its own laws. They hoped that one day... It might even become a kingdom. Many thought it would be the future." he said calmly before walking towards an house as he then put his hand on it and shrug off the dirt revealing large claws.

Ren:"I know my parents found it."

Ruby:"What happened?" she asked.

Ren:"What always happens." he said calmly before moving aside and revealing the large claws.

Jaune:"The Grimm."

Ren then clentched his fists.

Ren:"It wasn't just anyone..."

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