Chapter 33

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Back at the farm the farm boy was now cleaning the things in the haystack, until he decided to look himself in the mirror and went to check himself, before all of the sudden he felt a presence behind him as he turn to see nobody, but something wasn't right.....

???:"Hello?" he asked, but no one was there.

The boy the sighed, before all of the sudden a voice start talking to him.

Ozpin:"Hello, I'm Professor Ozpin!"

The boy then jolted in fear as he fell right into the thatch.

Then his aunt called him from the house.

???:"Oscar? Watch out for the tools!"





Meanwhile back with Sun, he was now dreaming of fighting against Adam Taurus but during the fight he was losing against the bull Faunas even with all the efforts.

Sun then got scared as Adam manage to overpower him, raise his blade and then slashed at Sun.




Sun then woke up, still on the boat, as he rubbed the back of his head as he look to see Blake sleeping in a bed next to him as Sun sighed before laying back on the the bed and looking with hsi only right eye at himself from a mirror next him the scars in his body as he covered himself and close his eyes.






Back with our four Huntsman and Huntresses, they were still walking and making their way to the next village.

Ruby:"Come on guys, if we pick up the pace we'll arrive in the next town before sunset!"

Jaune:"Assuming it's still there." he responded coldly.

Ruby:"Of course it will be there. This one should be big! Hi....Gen....B-Ben...Ga....."

Ren:"Higan Bana, is a well-protected village with a famous inn." he corrected Ruby.

Nora:"Which means...No camping in the rain!"

Ruby:"You see? Everything is gonna be alright." she said trying to ressure Jaune, who still wasn't believing in this.

Jaune:"You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs...But it could be a lot worse...I thought they'd have more Grimms."

Ren:"As did I."

Nora:"Looks like our luck is changing."

Ruby:"To Higan Bana!!!" she yelled happily.

However what they didn't know is that indeed Grimms were there as a Alpha Beowolf was about to jump after them, until it got stabbed in his neck by a blade revealing to be no other than Qrow Branwen, who has taken down the rest of the Grimm as he was following the young hunters from far away as well as a certain Raven who's being flying around the four.

Qrow:"Hmp..........Good luck." he said.






Ruby, Jaune, Ren and Nora were now in a small of hotel of the Village so that they could stay for the night as Qrow was watching after them from a bar nearby as then the waitress of the place made her way to Qrow as she placed a drink for the Branwen.

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