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It had turned out that Matthew wasn't as far into labour as they had thought. The contractions were more painful than they should have been at that point, yes, but he was only getting started when his water broke. Matthew had been miserable all night, hardly slept, and then through the day. Their families had decided to wait until morning to come visit, and were a bit surprised that Matthew still hadn't had the baby after fourteen hours being in the hospital. And Matthew was the most upset with this. At the mark of eighteen hours, Matthew was holding onto Gilbert's hand while he got some well needed rest, even if it wouldn't last long. Gilbert made sure he had been by Matthew's aide almost the entire time, except for when he needed to go to the bathroom, which he had only done twice.

Matthew was currently struggling through another contraction, which a doctor was monitoring, and when it was over she smiled.
"It's looking really good! I think sometime within the hour you'll be ready for delivery!"
Matthew sighed heavily in relief, which was short lived once he realised that meant now he would have to give birth. That was something Matthew wasn't looking very much forward to right now. Every part of him ached from being tired, and his thoughts were fuzzy, he wasn't sure he could really do that.
"Matt, it's gonna be ok." Gilbert said softly as the doctor left the room. "You're so close, just a little while more and then we'll have our baby!"
Matthew nodded and gave Gilbert's hand a small squeeze. "Yeah.." he said under his breath, looking over at Gilbert. "What I'd something goes wrong..? There's always a chance it will, and he could get hurt!" Matthew felt tears stinging his eyes and Gilbert quickly got up and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Shh.. it's ok.. he's gonna be ok.. You're really strong, Matt, and you're gonna get through this in no time.."

The two of them looked over as the door opened, and in walked Alice. She smiled big as she walked over to Matthew, giving him a hug. He appreciated it, but another contraction started as he was getting comfortable so there really wasn't much time for him to say hello. Alice waited patiently for everything to settle down before she started talking to Matthew, asking how he felt and how far along he was. Matthew had plenty to complain about, in and out of his contractions as he tried his hardest to talk to his mother.

Soon though, a doctor came in to do a check and was quick to say Matthew was more than ready to go into delivery. Alice left and said good luck, and then Matthew was prepped. Gilbert was allowed to stay since he was the father, and was glad to do so. Matthew was transported into a different room with a different hospital bed, and his feet were put into stirrups. Matthew was a bit uncomfortable having so many people around him while he did this, but it was for the best.


Alfred was restless as he shook his leg nervously, his hands folded on his lap. How long was this supposed to take? Alice had said Matthew was transferred like, ten minutes ago! He couldn't help but be nervous, this was his brother and he could be dead or something. Alfred was honestly waiting for the doctor to walk out, shaking their head and telling them that Matthew was dead or something.

Alfred's attention was drawn away from the white tiles of the hospital floor as he saw a couple of people walk up. He noticed them as those people from the beach, the ones who had them over that one time to find out Matthew's baby's gender. What were their names? Alfred felt bad he didn't remember but he was going to ask.
Francis said his hellos and informed them on the situation. This sent Erika into a small rant about how it could be anything. Most likely an emergency c-section or born backwards. This just made Alfred panic even more to the point he was almost freaking out on the outside now.
Everyone quickly looked when a doctor approached them, and we're on the edges of their seats waiting. And finally the doctor smiled. "Everything ended up fine, a couple of you can come back but not everyone at once, we don't want anyone crowded after a stressful time."

It was decided that since they were brothers, Alfred and Ludwig were allowed to go first. The two of them followed the doctor down the halls and into a room, where they were met with a very tired looking Matthew holding a small bundled up baby, and Gilbert watching over Matthew's shoulder. They noticed the new guests and Matthew smiled, mostly from seeing his brother. Ludwig and Alfred walked over, getting their looks at the newest addition to their families.
"Oh, Christian is so cute!" Alfred said excitedly, though he got a sigh from Matthew in return.
"Yeah, but he doesn't look like a Christian to me.."
Gilbert looked over quickly. "Wait what."
"The name doesn't fit him. I don't want to make him do that when I'm just gonna be upset with it. I know we decided on Christian, but I can't do it to him."
"Well.. what other names do you have in mind?"
Matthew shrugged and messed with the baby's small amount of light blonde hair, frowning. He had to think about it. What names did he like?

Ludwig cleared his throat as he crouched by Matthew a little, looking at the baby and nodding. "If I can shed some light here," Matthew looked up at him. "I have a couple of suggestions you may like. First, maybe Hunter?" Matthew shook his head. "What about.. Finn?"
Matthew smiled and his mood lifted a bit. "Yeah.. yeah I like that.." Gilbert had to say he agreed and watched Matthew switch holding to Alfred very carefully. "I think Finn really fits him.."
Gilbert chucked as he watched Alfred get all emotional holding the baby. "Then it's settled. Christian can always be his middle right?" Matthew nodded. "Finn Christian Williams-Beilschmidt. Has a ring."
Matthew shook his head. "Well, if it's ok with you, I want him to only have your last name. It shortens it and I think it sounds better."
Gilbert was stunned but he nodded with a big smile. "Yeah, that's fine with me! He's so cute.. Look at his little nose.. I'm gonna be wiping snot off of that for years.." Matthew laughed a bit and nodded, letting Ludwig have a turn holding him for a moment. Although after a few minutes he started to cry, and Ludwig handed him back to Matthew.
"I think this is gonna be the best part of my life.." Matthew said, holding Finn up and giving him a kiss on the forehead.

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