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Another month seemed to pass in a flash. Matthew didn't have any major symptoms, although now sometimes he woke up from his naps feeling a bit ill, but never badly. He was showing just a little bit at this point, letting Gilbert in on it one morning as he was getting dressed. Matthew also found himself spending quite a bit of time over at Gilbert's flat instead of his own, feeling a bit guilty. But Alfred assured his brother that if he ever moved out, he would move in and take care of their father. And Matthew had been thinking about it. Gilbert assured him he wouldn't mind Matthew living with him, and Francis said it would be fine since Matthew would only be moving next door.

It took a good week for Matthew to make the decision, but he decided it would really be best for him to live with Gilbert, since they were sort of serious. Matthew had learned a lot more about Gilbert in the short time of a month. Where he grew up, what his family was like, his birthday, and all of that sweet jazz. It didn't take long for Matthew to move what little possessions he had into the other apartment. It was clothes, personal care things, and not much else. It seemed like Gilbert, along with Matthew, had a large collection of stuffed animals himself. His in a box in his closet, while Matthew was allowed to hang his net up in the corner with all of his stuffed animals in it.

When all of Matthew's important things had been moved in, things were going pretty well. They had learned a lot more about each other living with one another. Like how Gilbert insisted on cleaning while he cooked unlike Matthew, or how Matthew only did laundry one day a week. So they had to compromise of course. They had separate laundry baskets for each of them, so then they could do their laundry when they wanted.

Matthew was cleaning up after himself one morning, the sun was out, and it was around eleven. He was thinking about how today could be a nice productive day. He even suggested to Gilbert that they should go for a walk, since it would be good for the baby. Matthew had his shop closed for the day, since it was his brother's birthday and wanted to give him the day off, but didn't want to work alone. And really, nobody ever came in on Wednesdays anyway, so really, Matthew just had a good excuse. Plus it would give him a chance to stop by a store and buy his brother something. Gilbert had an appointment to finish up this morning, but after that his schedule was free for a couple of hours, and he was glad to take a walk to the market with Matthew when he finished. It only took around an hour to get the tattoo done, since the person was getting their first and it was a simple one. So Gilbert came upstairs, changed into something more proper instead of sweat pants and a tank, and was ready to go once he had jeans and a tee shirt. The two of them set off out of the apartment.

It was a short walk to get to the closest shop, a mix of a grocery store and a department store, which Matthew found to be making his life easier. He knew Francis would most likely bake a cake, but Alfred still loved eating, so Matthew thought it was a good idea to buy a couple tubs of ice cream too. They arrived at the store and went inside, Matthew thinking about what exactly to get his brother. Alfred liked a lot of things so shopping for him was genuinely hard sometimes. Alfred had a fluctuating personality about fifty percent of the time. But Matthew looked around for a bit, saw his options, and fairly decided on getting his brother a new captain America blanket. The one Alfred had at the moment was pretty old and ratty, and it was a Christmas gift from Matthew back then, so a brand new one as a birthday gift would mean the same. He and Gilbert ended up in the baby aisle at a point too, pointing at all of the little things they would need to buy later, and how cute their baby would look with some of the clothes. In fact they may have ended up buying a couple of the little onesies just so they didn't have to worry about them not being there in a few months.

They got the ice cream, checked out, and started to walk back home. Matthew took out one of the onesies to look at on their walk back, obsessing over how tiny the piece of clothing looked, and how it could fit on a baby doll. Gilbert thought it was pretty cute just how excited Matthew was, agreeing on how tiny the clothing was.

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