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Matthew was very excited the morning of Father's Day. They had it all planned. Everyone would meet at the beach, bring their own stuff, snacks and towels and such. Matthew made sure Gilbert was covered head to toe in sunscreen, because he wasn't about to let his boyfriend get sunburnt and skin cancer. Gilbert assured him it was ok, his skin wasn't that bad, but Matthew was paranoid. He also put on some sunscreen, since he didn't want to get burned up and he was a bit pale too. That was when he noticed the stretchmarks on the bottom of his bump. Not many of them, just a couple. But the sight still made him a little anxious. He didn't really want any. After he had his baby he didn't want anyone to see that he had carried it. He decided it was best to get something to stop those before too many showed up.

Gilbert helped pick out Matthew's outfit, although plenty of his clothes no longer fit right. Gilbert graciously donated a shirt of his to Matthew, which was gladly taken, and Matthew wore his own swim trunks.

Matthew helped Alfred get Francis into the car once they got downstairs, and the four of them said quick hellos. Everyone, once finally in the car, was excited to start the drive. Although Francis was a bit salty over having to see his ex girlfriend. Matthew assured him that everything would go perfectly. No fighting or bickering. Francis promised he would keep his calm, and that made Matthew a lot less nervous.

They arrived over half an hour later, and found that Kaelin and Jack were already there, along with Alice who was making sure Peter had a good layer of sunscreen on. Francis was a bit surprised to see such a young boy there, first assuming it was a grandchild, but then hearing the word "mom" he was immediately wronged. Matthew and Alfred gave their other brothers big hugs while Gilbert unpacked the car, taking their stuff to where the others had set up.

Ludwig and Erika got there not long after and said their hellos, introduced themselves to the new people, and then Erika started her nurse talk with Matthew about how he was feeling. He tried to avoid these conversations since he just wanted a normal companion, and luckily, Roderich and Eliza had just arrived. So he let them into the conversation as quickly as possible to change the subject.

"So how's my beautiful nephew doing?" Eliza asked. Matthew chuckled and shrugged.
"Same as last time, but now he's kicking."
"He is?!"

Matthew picked up Eliza's hand, moving it around his bump a few times before she finally got to feel something and almost screamed over it, but bit her lip. She told Roderich to get a feel but he politely declined and gave his turn to Erika instead.

Matthew looked up as Peter ran over and jumped up into Matthew's lap, which startled the Canadian at first. He then chuckled. "Hey Peter." He muttered, giving his brother a hug. "Why didn't you give me a hug sooner Huh?"
"I was waiting for the adults to be done talking. Mum says always wait until the adults are done talking."
"Well that is a very nice thing to do Peter. Thank you. You gonna say hi to Christian?"
"Hi Christian!" Peter said down to Matthew's baby bump, then poked it. Alice called him over so he jumped off and ran back to his mom.

Francis was mostly staying sat on a beach towel, since his wheelchair didn't work in the sand, it was sitting a few feet away. He hadn't noticed Alice approaching until he felt the towel depressed next to him, and looked over to see his ex-girlfriend. He scoffed and then Peter ran over to sit down with his mom.
"Who's that mum?" Peter asked.
"That's Matthew's daddy." Alice told her son.
"Is He my daddy too?"
"No, no. Just Matthew and Alfred's. Your daddy left us, remember?"

Francis looked over at Alice's conversation  with her son curiously, and turned his waist to look at her clearly.
"Was it because you're a narcissist cheater?"
"No. It was because he died, Francis. He had lung cancer."

Francis went a little pale, obviously having said the wrong thing. He uttered a quick apology. Alice sighed and nodded before yelling at one of her sons to go take Peter down to the water. Once Peter was gone she looked at Francis a little offended.

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