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The next day Matthew and Alfred closed the shop and told Gilbert they were going out on family business. Gilbert made sure to give Matthew plenty of kisses and attention before having to let him go. Matthew was a bit nervous, only going alone with Alfred. But both of them sort of wanted to do this. Alfred mostly to see if she looked any uglier than in her old pictures. Matthew told him that was rude but.. well he had to admit she had never been very good looking in the first place.

They drove for a good three hours, having to make constant bathroom breaks for both peeing and stomach aches. But finally, when they got there, Matthew was nervous as ever. He wanted to make sure his hair looked good, and that he didn't have bad breath because of how many times he had gotten sick. Alfred gave him a few minutes and calmed down too, and then the two of them walked up onto the porch of the house. Alfred was the one to knock, having a stronger hand, and Matthew kept his own hands in his hoodie pocket.

The door opened a few seconds later, a woman with very long blonde hair standing in front of them. She looked them over a few times before gasping and wrapping her arms around Alfred. "Well blimey! I didn't expect to see you two after all these years!" She said excitedly, letting go of Alfred to look at Matthew. "Oh, Maddy, you've cut your hair, it looks good."

Matthew smiled nervously. "Matthew, actually. It's Matthew now.." he muttered. The woman looked at him blankly a moment before facepalming.
"Well bollocks! If I'da known that I wouldn't have told people I had a daughter! How embarrassing for me!" She scolded herself, and then put her hands on her hips. "Same old Alice as before." Alice looked up and took her son's hands. "Come on now, it's chilly outside in we go!"

Alice dragged the boys inside, shutting the door behind them and leading them into the living room. "I'll get the boys. They're gone tomorrow, perfect timing. Came down for Jack's birthday. I think he's your age now?" She said simply as she walked to the staircase. Alice cleared her throat and stepped up one. "JACK, KAELIN, PETER! GET DOWN HERE!" Alice yelled, and soon a couple of doors were heard opening.

Alfred and Matthew waited a moment, watching the stairs. Then a tall man with dark brown hair came running down, almost falling down the stairs if not for a shorter blonde catching him. Then a young boy followed after, looking at the guests awkwardly standing a few feet away. Alice directed everyone into the living room, picking the youngest up and holding him on her hip as she went to a comfortable looking chair to sit down.

"Now boys, introductions. Jack is the one with the dark hair, Kaelin is the beautiful blonde one next to him, and this is my youngest Peter." Alice explained to Alfred and Matthew. She then looked at Jack and Kaelin. "Alright. These are my twins I've told you about, Alfred the one with the shorter straighter hair. And then Made- Uhm, Matthew, with the precious curls." Alice chuckled at the last part, since Matthew was her only one with curls really, and loved that about him.

Alice reached over and took Matthew's hand, since she couldn't reach Alfred's too. "So what brings you buggers over here? I recall you living pretty far from this part of the city." She joked and laughed a little. Matthew wasn't sure what to say. He choked up at that moment, and looked over at Alfred for a little help. He just shrugged and watched for what Matthew did.

It took a small squeeze of his hand from Alice to get his senses back. He suddenly felt sick and smiled nervously. "Hey, can I use your washroom for a second? It was a long drive.." Alice nodded and pointed it out, Matthew thanking her and quickly went off to it. He shut the door and quickly knelt by the toilet, trying his best not to make any sound of displeasure as he got sick again, and once he finished he flushed it down and splashed some water on his face to calm down.
Matthew went back to the main room, sitting down again, Alfred putting a hand on his thigh. Matthew took a deep breath. Was he really going to do this in front of his brothers he only met? In front of the mother who abandoned him? Hell yes. "I'm pregnant." Matthew told Alice, pushing up his glasses and sighing. "I'm not taking testosterone so it's pretty easy to get pregnant and here I am. Yes I'm keeping it, yes I know who the father is, no I'm not kidding. We're thinking about the name Christian for him." 

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