The Ice Cream Shop

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"Hello little Garv. Where were you?" Jake says peeling an orange

" First of all, Dad is the only one who can call me Garv, and he's dead. Second I was.... Playing guitar with some... friends?" I say trying to act casual. I'm a horrible liar.

" Oook then, why are your lips red? Oh and I just realized you hair isn't in your face." Jake says obviously catching on to me.

" Umm I was singing so much, I need to drink some water. Oh and my hair isn't in my face cause I was.... Laying in the grass."

" I thought you were playing guitar?" He says. Ugh he's doing his evil smile. How does he always see right through me? "I was while laying down. Then I got up and got water, and now I'm going upstairs" I say. I throw my bookbag on my bed, grab my wallet, and run downstairs.

" Where are you going little bro?" Jake says eating hot cheetos

" Out with a friend"

" Mmmhhhm sure. Tell her I said hi"

" Will do!" I say trying to leave as quick as possible. I mean I'm not lying, she is kinda my friend. I text Coco the address of the ice cream store, before I get there. Once I arrive, I have no idea what to do with myself. Ok we definitely have to talk about the janitors closet situation, but what else? I mean for all I know she could absolutely hate me, and that was a way to deal with stress. I see her walking towards me. I quickly run to her.

" We need to talk" We say at the same time. I smiled cause she was smiling, and it's impossible not to smile when I see that face. We walkover to a random table and sat down.

" What happened in the janitors closet was-"

" Interesting I know but...Maybe it was suppose to happen" She says nervously

" I was about to say the exact same thing. I know this may sound weird but... Maybe we can start doing things that friends do, but don't do" I say. That made absolutely no sense.

" Yeah like hanging out, but also holding hands" She says smiling. God I would do anything to see that smile everyday.

"Perfect" I say. Suddenly the sun shines in my eyes. It hurts, but she's looking at me so I can bare the pain.

" Your ready to get ice cream?"

" I was actually thinking about getting a milkshake"

" Oh cool! Can you get me a vanilla?"

" Vanilla it is!!!" I say pretending to be superman. I go and buy a milkshake with 2 straws. I stick them both in the milkshake before walking back to Coco. Once she see the milkshake, she starts blushing crazy. Why is she so adorable?


" AHHH THIS IS TOO HIGH GAVIN" Coco screams, as we swong on the swings. Maybe going to the park was the perfect idea.

" Oh Coco... We can go higher than this!" I say getting ready to swing fast. Before I knew it, Coco was off the swing sitting on the bench. Once I got to the perfect height, I front flip of the swing.

" Gavin, I think we should get going"

" Why" I say with heavy breath. Who knew swinging would take so much energy out of you?

" Cause we are being stared down by a bunch of 5 year olds, and their moms!!!"

" oh" I say as I grab her hand, and start running. She was laughing insanely. We slowed down once we were far away from the park. As we walked, we talked about life. How life can be amazing, how it can suck, and how we've mad the best of it. Before we knew it, we already arrived at her house.

" Thanks for walking me home Gavin. I had such an amazing time with you" She says smiling

" Well it was my pleasure to walk you home." I say

" I'll see you tomorrow"

" Same to you" I say. I watch her walk in her house. I was about to walk away, then I heard a loud scream.

" OMG OMG OMG!!!! I JUST WENT OUT WITH GAVIN MAGNUS AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I hear echo. Now I was about to walk away, then I heard another voice.

" UH WHO'S GAVIN MAGNUS?" I hear a more manly voice this time. Annnnnd,that's my que to run.


" There Gavin" Coco said, handing me coffee from the teachers lounge. We ran as soon as we saw a teacher coming.

" Thank you" I say giving her a huge smile. She playfully rolls her eyes, and drags me into class. Usually Mr. Stefan's class is pretty fun, but today it just seemed boring.

" Hey Coco" I whisper

" Yes Gavin?" She says back

" I'm bored"

" Same. I don't know why tho. I mean Mr. Stefan's class is the most entertaining class I have all day."

" Yeah that is weird.... Wanna go makeout in the janitor's closet?" I say. She smiles and hits my arm. My face is the same as it was before.

" OH you weren't joking?" She says. We both immediately raise our hands.

" You both can go. Just be back before class ends" Mr. Stefan says, giving us a sly smile. We both start blushing, and just run out the class. To our luck, we ran into the Vice Principal.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF CLASS?" She says. She looks over and sees the janitors closet. " OH SO YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD SKIP CLASS TO HAVE A LITTLE fUn? WELL GUESS WHAT? I'M NOT LETTING YOU IN" she says laughing

" Fine" Coco says


" I guess we'll have to do it in front of you then"

" Wait Rea-" I say, before being cut off by Coco's lips pressing against mine. Why does she keep on surprising me? Damn she's a good kisser when she's pissed. The vice principal walks away after 5 minutes. Best 5 minutes of my life!!!


" I would love to hang out today. I just need to come up with an excuse to tell my dad" Coco says.

"Oh yeah... Forgot you had one of those" I say. She starts laughing hysterically

" Coco I'm taking the bus home. If you want you can go to Gavin's house, and I'll just say your at Emily's" Piper says.

" Who's Emily?"

" Emily Dobson. She's my friend."

" Oh thanks Pip. I'll take that offer. I'll see you when I get home." Coco says

" We can start heading over to my house if you want" I say picking at my nails.

" Yeah let's do that. But lets take the bus, cause I really don't want to walk alllll the way to your house"

" Yeah lets do that. Can you give me a moment?"

" Sure" Coco says smiling. I walk away then start screaming.

" YES YES YES COCO'S COMING TO YOUR HOUSE AND YALL ARE GONNA HANG OUT" I repeat this multiple times, till I hear a cough. I turn around to see Coco.

" You done yet?" She says giggling

" Uh.. Yeah I'm done" I say blushing.

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