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The bus finally stops. I walk into my house to see a mad Jakob.

" Gavin I just got a call from the school... You promised not to get into trouble!"

" I-Um... I'm sorry Jake-"

" No Gavin, sorry won't cut it this time. So would you care to share why you bullied Coco Quinn?" Coco Quinn? Damn that's one nice name.

" Um... I just can't Jake, I'm sorry" I say dropping my bookbag on the ground, running to my room. I feel so bad. Today I was sooo mean to such a nice girl. I need to give her like a real apology tomorrow.

" JAKOB" I yell from my room. I hear him as he walks up the stairs. Soon my door flys open, and Jakob comes and sits on my bed.

" You called?" He says. I noticed that he's digging his yellow curly toenails into my blanket. I quickly slap him straight across his face. He turned to me, looking like he was about to shed a tear. I clear my throat before I start speaking.

" I know I shouldn't have been mean to that girl for nothing. It's just- She reminds me of Sarah...."

"...Oh. Gavin I know it hurts to let go, but sometimes you have to let go to thrive in life" Jake says

" I know, I know." I say rolling my eyes playfully

" So are you gonna apologize?"

" Yeah, when I see her tomorrow"

"That's my little bro" He says ruffling my hair.

" Oh and... Take a shower. Ya stink" He says scrunching his nose. Once he left, I checked to see if I really smelled that bad. I gather my things to shower. While I shower, I think of what I'm gonna say. Hey Coco, I'm sorry I was being mean to you. Your an amazing girl and I'd love to get to know you better? Nah too cheesy. Coco sorry for what I did.... LOSER!!! What the heck? Absolutely not. Ugh I guess I'll just have to come up with it on the spot then. I grab my towel and wrap it around my head. I put on my pants and go to the mirror. I start my skincare routine. What? I don't wanna look like any other teen age boy, I wanna look like I belong in a perfume commercial. When I get back in my room, I see Jakob going through my phone.

" Jake.... What the hell?"

"oh um I was just.... Watching dogs and cats fight" He says, then smacks his head

" Just leave" I say. He immediately got off my bed and ran to his room. I was about to sit down, then saw Jakob's long YELLOW TOENAILS on my bed. Right then I decide to sleep on the couch.


" Make sure to get yo nasty nails out if my bed, disinfect my bed room, and change my sheets" I say grabbing my backpack

" Do I have to?" Jakob says whining

"Yes. I'm gonna go get on the bus now. Good Luck with finding a ride" I say running out the door. I get on the bus and take a seat. I didn't even realize the bus was at a different spot, till someone started speaking to me.

" Uh is this seat taken?" The girl says. I look up and see Coco! I had never actually took time to look at her face. She's gorgeous! Now I feel even worse about being mean to her. She's seems really nice.

".... I guess not" I say. She sat down right before the bus started moving.

" I'm sorry I bumped into you yesterday. I should have been watching where I was going.. But that didn't mean you had to be such a jerk". Being the annoying Aries I am, I said something kinda mean.

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