Do I?

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" Sleep... That's all I want!!!" I say to myself. It's almost 2:00am and I still haven't shut an eye. I can't stop thinking about her. Her beautiful eyes, pink lips, and mind-blowing smile. I hear a scream. I jump out of my bed to check if it came from my house. I walk around the corner, to see Jake sound asleep. I put on my shoes and walk out side. I can see a red light in the distance. I walk over to the next neighborhood too see, police officers arresting someone. I was about to walk home, when I saw Piper hugging Coco tightly. I stand there for a second, before leaving. Are they ok? Did anyone get hurt? What exactly happened? I run into my house and get back in my bed. Weridly enough, I fall asleep peacefully.


"Hey Coco. Um are you ok? Your eyes are all red and puffy" I say walking besides her

"Uh..... I accidentally got lemon juice in my eye when I was making lemonade, Then I started crying, cause it hurt so bad" She says. She's lying...

"Oook Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go get some ice cream after school?"

"Uh... Y-Yeah um that would be great"

"K cool then. Oh I gotta go, um See you later?"

" Yeah um later" She says walking in the opposite direction. Wait don't we have the same first period? I rush to class quickly. Like a minute after I came in, Coco ran in the class room. I try to restrain myself from laughing at how quick she came in. In the middle of class, I got bored so I passed Coco a note.

I watch Coco face quickly change from sad and bored, to excited and happy!!! It was sooo cute. She's like a baby goat. What? They are adorable, and you know it. Class ends and I go in the janitors closet. About 1 minutes later Coco comes in.

"Ok so I've gotta tell you something" I say

"Um ok what is it?" She says. I get lost in her beautiful eyes. What was I gonna say again? I panic and say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Ok so I got 2 tickets to a One Direction concert, and I was wondering if you'd come with me?". I mentally slap myself. One Direction? Seriously? Well now I guess she knows my obsession with them.

"Um didn't One Direction break up?" She says. Um NO they didn't.

" Way to break a boys dreams" I say with a little smile to break whatever tension there is.

"Well was that all you wanted to tell me?" She says

" Uh.. Yeah"

" Ok" She said, walking towards the door. She was about to open the door, when I stopped her.


" Yea-" She says, not even getting to finish her sentence cause.....I kissed her!!! I was gonna pull away, but then she started kissing me back. Her lips were soft, but also cracky which made it perfect. I guess we were being "Too Loud" cause next thing we knew the door opened. I kept kissing her, till we heard a screechy voice. It's the Vice Principal. Before she can give us detention, Coco told her to back off. She's so confident.... I like that! I start to walk out the janitors closet, then I was suddenly stopped!

" Oh you didn't think I was done with you, Right?" Coco says, pushing me back in the closet. She just kept kissing me. I love how careless she can be. At this point, my hair was all messed up but, I kinda like it. She kissed me for like 10 more minutes, then randomly stopped. I watch her as she just runs out the closet.


What just happened?

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