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"I'm so sorry but... Your father sadly passed away 'bout 30 minutes ago..."


I fell to the ground crying. Jakob tried to stay strong for me, but he just couldn't. We both stayed there crying for hours. Why did this have to happen? What did I do wrong to deserve this? We cried till some random lady came up to us.

"Hey can you shut up? People are here for a reason, and yall are being too loud. You know my uncle broke his back-"

" Shut the hell up" Jakob said

" Who do you think you are talking to me like that?"

" I'm a 16 year old kid who just lost someone he'll never get back"

" Who? Your friends? If you even have any..."

" Actually my dad!!! Now I suggest you get you 45 looking self out of here before I really show you how to beat your face" Jakob yells. That lady ran away immediately. We finally left the hospital. I felt the fall breeze on my arms. Dad loved fall. Once we got home I ran to my room. I cried so hard. I was betrayed by my bestfriend, and now my dad's dead. I suddenly get a call from someone. I check my phone to see Emily's face pop up on the screen. I answer to hear kissing noises.

" Thanks for being so nice tonight Aiden. I'm still kinda sad Gavin didn't come." Emily says

" Hey Emily don't be sad. He said that he never wanted to see you again" Aiden says

" Really?" She says. Aiden was about to say something, then I finally started speaking.

" Wow Aiden, didn't know you were such a damn liar. You are really worst friend ever. What did I do to you, for you to start acting like a jerk? Oh and Emily I reeeeaaallly wanted to come but I couldn't cause me dad had a heart attack and died. I wanted to see you, I really did. Emily if your happy with Aiden, then I'm sooo happy for you. I'm gonna go and celebrate my dads life before confronting people about things" I say before hanging up. I run out the house and get on my bike. I ride it till I get to my dads favorite pizza place. I buy 2 Hawaiian pizzas and my dads favorite soda. I never liked Hawaiian pizza, but Dad liked it so maybe I should give it another shot. I get back on my bike and ride home. I call Jakob down to eat. As we ate, we shared our favorite memories with Dad. There was a lot of tears and laughter. Dad would have enjoyed this.

" Jake?" I say picking all the toppings off of my slice of pizza

" Yeah Gavin?"

" What are we gonna do now? Are we gonna have to live in a homeless shelter?"

" No Gavin. We will stay here. I'll get a job so I can pay off the bills, and YOU need to try to stay out of trouble K?" Jake says

"....Um ok. I promise I'll try to stay out if trouble."

" Glad to hear that"

And just like that, we realize that we would never like Hawaiian pizza.

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