How about the Balcony?

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Prompt: Dreamnotfound, Balcony Sex, Recording? Doesn't matter which day :) - WeridestOnes12 (on wattpad)


Summery: As the night starts to set, Dream and George have a fun night underneath the cameras on the balcony.


Finally, after nearly a full ten minutes of fussing with the two different cameras and their tripods, Dream gave the balcony one final glance. Being satisfied with everything that was in its own place, he flaps the soft blanket out over the makeshift bed that he had made out on the balcony, before he collapses onto it with a soft noise. As he stares up at the soft clouds that were going by in the sky he starts to think to himself. Sure, George had agreed to this, but the nerves that gnawed at his insides made him almost numb.

He had been out there for a while, just looking up at the sky telling himself that this night won't be as bad as he thinks it would be. He soon turns his attention to the gopro that he has in his hands testing out the zoom and other things that it has to offer, trying to pass some time.

Dream soon sits up hearing loud footsteps nearing before the squeaking veranda door connecting the living room and balcony slipped open. He smiles, watching George make his own way to sit on the not-so-well made bed.

"What are you up to, Baby?" George asks, inquisitively looking down at the camera.

"Just relaxing some before we begin tonight." Dream answers with a soft smile.

"Are you nervous?" George asks, leaning over Dream as he grabs the gopro from his hand.

Dream gave a soft nod, melting into the stare of George's soft brown eyes.

"What are you nervous about? The filming or the balcony?"

"Both. I guess..."

"Well, I can assure you, last time I checked, we live in the middle of nowhere. The only person that could hear us would be Sap, but he's out with Bad and Skeppy." George commented as he shifted between Dream's legs and looked up to him with a giggle. "And for the filming, just think of it as if we're just making a normal video. Except with some spice."

"I guess that helps a little. Thanks." Dream said with a smile.

He sat up, giving George a quick kiss before quickly walking over to the two waiting cameras to turn them on, Dream whirled back to face George and settled before him back on the bed, as soon as he was done. With a smile, George pulled Dream into his lap. He turned the gopro that he now had a hold of, towards Dream.

"Look at you, my cute little Puppy." George says with a small chuckle. Dream shakes his head, blushing as he tilts his head down. His hair falls into his eyes but it saves him from the embarrassment of looking George in the eyes after his words.

George lightly grabs Dream by his hair, forcing the younger to straighten up and show his face to the camera.

Dream gulps as he looks up to George, admiring the way his hair shines from the line shining in through the balcony doors.

"You ready?" George asks, running his hand along Dream's skin. His dry fingers scrambled along Dream's spine, each fleeting touch an impression he'd never forget.

Dream nods, letting out a soft moan he was sure the cam picked up.

Dream smiles as he grabs his shirt by the neck and pulls it over himself. It found itself thrown to the side, catching on the side of the basket that Dream used to bring everything out in.

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