Chapter 2

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Your POV

Damm.. I hate when I transfer schools, it's so awkward and nervewracking. Can I eat a lollipop?

You were walking down the halls of your new school together with a teacher.

You: Umm.. Sir, is it fine if I eat a lollipop?

Teacher: Ah yes, eating is allowed as long as it doesn't disturb others.

You unwrapped the lollipop and put it in your mouth.

Teacher: This is your class. Wait for me to call you to get in okay?

You: Yes, sir.

You could here the teacher talking to the class.

Teacher: I would like to introduce you to someone today. Atsushi, you may come in.

You walked in the classroom and could hear people whispering.

???: Omg, he is so handsome.
???: Does he have a girlfriend?
???: His long white hair is beautiful too.

Teacher: Okay, everyone quiet. Please introduce yourself to the class.

You were looking down then you turned your faces to them.

You: Ah yes. Hello, my name is Atsushi Harukei, you can call me Atsushi. I look forward to working with all of you.

Teacher: Okay, please sit at the back near the window. Beside, Chifuyu.


When you looked at your seat you saw a familiar face and smiled at him. You bowed down to the class and the teacher then walked your way to your new seat.

You: I can't belieave we're in the same class and school.

Chifuyu: Yeah, Why the heck didn't you tell me?

You: Like I would now you were studying here. Idiot.

Teacher: Okay, the two at the back stop talking and open your textbooks to page 67.

You: Look what you got me into Matsu-chin.

Chifuyu looked at you up and down and scoffed.

After classes and snacks break and more classes. It was finally lunch time.

Chifuyu: Hey, idiot. Let's go to the cafeteria.

You: Alright, give me a second Omlette.

Chifuyu smacked your head.

A group of girls were headed your way. ??? approached the 2 of you.

???: Hi my name is Emily.

You: Nice to meet you. You said in a cold but calm tone.

Emily: Come to the cafeteria with us. She said with a grin on her face. Her friends were cheering for her at her back.

I guess she was the so called popular girl. I looked at her up and down but she didnt seem so special. She had blonde hair tied in a bun, a few buttons of her uniform unbuttoned, her skirt higher than the others and some heavy makeup.

She smiled at me. She was probably thinking I was checking her out.

I put my arm around Chifuyu and walked out the classroom. Her and her friends were shocked.

Chifuyu: Why'd you do that? That was kinda badass.

You: Matsu-chin.

Chifuyu: Yeah?

You: I hate those kind of people. People who think they're better than others. There's nothing wrong with being confident. But people like her are the kind of people I don't like.

Yuzuha Shiba x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now