Just some info

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that this is my first story so I'll try my best.
Now some information about the main characters

Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Crazy anger issues but has a soft side that he doesn't like showing, he has also been in the Akatsuki for a while now and Sasori had all ready been killed. And of course, true art is an explosion :D

Age: 21
Height: 6'2
We all know tobi, crazy ofc. But he still never takes off that mask.
He's Sasori's replacement

Side note:
In this story tobi/obito has gotten over Rin and Deidara has gotten over Sasori's death

But like I said this is my first story so please don't hate

My True Art - Tobi x DeidaraWhere stories live. Discover now