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bold/ (bold) is author comment/note

Italic= thoughts, things heard from the enhanced hearing ability, mind link, and Sceetryon's voice

Here is another crappy chapter. I hope you like it. Enjoy!!!


3rd POV

The McCall pack(half of them), Layla, Theo, Jay, and James were making their way to the Hale packhouse, where the Sceetryon would likely be. Scott was following a scent that was not Malia, but he assumed it was the Sceetryon's scent.

"Stiles, do you have the silver jar that I instructed you with?" Layla asked Stiles.

"Yea, I do" Stiles answered pointing to his backpack that he had on. Layla nodded and said, "Let's go over the plan." She was reading the spell to create a magic barrier made of any substance, she was trying to get familiar with and memorize the spell.

"Scott will distract her, you will create the barrier made of silver trapping her and Scott. Scott will be able to get out of it, but not her. Then, James will try to get Malia to break free from the possession. Once the Sceetryon is out, Malia will get out out of the barrier. You will release the barrier and I will trap it in the silver jar well it is still weak." Stiles explained the plan.

"We will stick to the plan. Nobody does anything stupid" Scott said firmly. Everybody nodded. The group continued walking until they made it to the Hale packhouse. They stopped.

"Looks like you find me" The group heard a voice said from inside the house. They saw the Sceetryon open the door and walked out, stopping a few feet away from the group. She was smirking at them. Scott started walking towards her but stopped when she started chuckling.

" Seven against one that doesn't seem fair. Does it. So, I brought my own squad" The Sceetryon said pointing behind the group. The group turned around to see Liam and his gang, they were shocked, except Layla, who I already knew was scent blockers, on how they didn't smelt their scents.

"I bet you're wondering how you didn't smelt their scent. It's simple I give them scent blockers that I got from Deaton"


The Sceetryon walked into the animal clinic. Deaton looked up and saw her. "What can I do for you, Malia?"

"Do you happen to have scent blockers? We are trying to use them to block our scent from the Sceetryon when we go find her in the woods where she ran off to once we figured out who she was." the Sceetryon said in Malia's voice.

"Yes, I do have scent blockers. May I ask who is the Sceetryon?" Deaton said in suspicion.

"Great. The Sceetryon is this girl named Jessica at our school." the Sceetryon replied. Deaton nodded and went to his cabinet to grab some scent blockers. He gave them to the Sceetryon. The Sceetryon took them and thank him and left.

End of Flashback

Scott signed. "Theo, you will handle Liam. Jay, you will handle Hayden. James, you handle Corey, but be careful he can turn invisible. Lydia, you will handle Mason, but don't hurt him much. And I will handle her. Layla and Stiles, you guys be prepare." Scott ordered. Everybody nodded and get into formation with Theo facing Laim, Jay facing Hayden, James facing Corey, Lydia facing Mason, and Scott facing the Sceetryon. Then, the fight began.

"Did you memorized the spell?" Stiles asked Layla, who closed the spellbook and gestured to Stiles to put it in his backpack. They were off to the side. "Yea, I did. I would just need some silver. I have some but it's not enough"

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