Chapter 8

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The class had finally came in, and you settled them down before smiling.

"Alright, it'll be a quick and easy class today. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), also known as the rescue hero Rain. You can call me whatever you like. Now, let's go around and introduce ourselves. I know you know each other, it's simply for me."

You paid close attention to them, memorising the names as you went.

"I'll explain what this is about, and what we will cover in the class, then you can do whatever you like in here until the bell goes, I have some other things to attend to I'm afraid."

"Is this about that really shy guy? The one with black hair? Is he okay, he seemed really worked up earlier." Mina asked.

"Yes, it's about Gabriel. He isn't very good with new places or people, I'd like you guys to try avoid being too loud or crowding around him, he'll warm up when he's ready."

The class nodded, expect for one student who growled and stood up, glaring at you.

"He's a cry baby! He won't become a hero like that!"

"Kacchan.. that's.. that's not nice!" Izuku defended.

"You shut the hell up hedgehog." Jessie growled.

Bakugo's palms popped as he turned to Jessie and Izuku, the green haired boy stood his ground but he was shaking, while Jessie stared him down.

"Enough you three. Jessie, Izuku please sit down. Bakugo, correct?"

The boy whipped his head around to you, sneering slightly.

"Yeah! What's it to ya?!"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't say such things about my son. Gabriel is a strong boy, with a amazing quirk, just because he get nervous doesn't make him weak in any way or form, he can be an amazing hero. If you say one more rude thing about him, or anyone in this class I'll give you three weeks for of detention. Do I make myself clear?"

He started you down, and you stared back.

"Clear?" You asked again.

You weren't going to back down, and you could tell his was stubborn but he back down, throwing himself back into his chair, kicking his desk slightly with a growl.

"Whatever I'm going to be a better hero than all you damn extras!"

You rolled your eyes, sitting on your desk as you faced the class.

"This is recovery and first aid training. You'll learn about search and rescue, along with basic medical training as well."

"Excuse me, Miss (Y/N)?"

"Yes Yaoyorozu?"

"You can all me Momo, it's fine. Why exactly do we need to learn about this? Rescue I can understand, it's basic knowledge for a hero, but first aid?"

You smiled and nodded.

"I can understand the confusion. Yes, rescue training will help in any given situation where there is hostages, people trapped in need of help, lost and such, though others will be doing the practical around this element, I will only do the theory." You explained.

You looked around the class, seeing a few people taking notes.

"First aid is also important, if you've got a hero, civilian or even villain who is seriously injured but no medical heroes or professionals around to help, you need to be able to temporarily treat them until he'll arrives."

"Why villains?" Kirishima asked, "shouldn't we just leave them to die? Their bad guys right?"

"Well, yes. But everyone, good or bad deserves to be helped, they have that human right no matter what they did. No one should be left in pain. As heroes, its you jobs to save everyone in need."

Everyone nodded in understanding, and with a smile you clapped your hands together.

"That's it for today, I'll start your actual lessons tomorrow. All of you behave, I'll be through soon."

Everyone went to talk and messing around as you left the room, heading back to the nurses office, you found Gabriel walking out with his stuff.

"I want to come back now.."

"Alright darling, are you ready? We'll take as long as you need."

You stood his bag and walked him start to pave up and down, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

It took a few minutes, but soon he was by your side once more, and he followed you init the classroom which went a lot quieter for him.

"Are you feeling alright man?" Kaminari asked.

Gabriel nodded, shuffling over to his brothers table taking a seat.

You sat at your desk, watching them to see how the interacted with one another.

Suddenly your door slammed open, and someone was gasping for air as they stood there

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