Chapter 1

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You sniffled a little as you sat on the floor below the swing, rubbing your eyes trying to get rid of the tears that were flowing.

"Why are you crying?"

You looked up, seeing a boy with long black hair, a frown on his face and a boy with long blond hair, a smile on his.

"I fell off the swing."

"That's okay! I fall all the time!" The blond smiled, "just get up and try again!"

You sniffled, drying the rest of your tears as you looked up at the pair. The blond one held out his hand with a smile while the other simply turned away slightly.

"I'm Hizashi! This is Aizawa! What's your name?"

You took Hizashi's hand, letting him pull you up as a smile bloomed on your face.

"I'm (Y/N)!"

"Wanna play with us?"

You nodded excitedly, Hizashi ran to the swings and you joined him while Aizawa simply walked around the back. You felt his hands on your back as he pushed your gently.

"H.. hey! What're you doing?!" You yelled.

"Pushing you, swing your legs out when you go up, and bring them in when you go down." Aizawa muttered.

You nodded, following his lead. Soon enough you were getting higher, he walked to the other swing besides you and sat down, watching you and Hizashi swing.

Ever since that day, you'd come to the park to meet them, sometimes Aizawa wouldn't be there, and others he would, but you noticed one thing, he never smiled. So you made it your life goal to see him smile.

As you grew up, you slowly stopped seeing them. You guys never went to the same primary or junior high, so it was hard to see them.

Towards the end when exams for high schools were coming, you decided you wanted to get into UA.

The entrance exams were easy, with your water quirk, you smashed through the practical, and with endless studying aced the theory.

"Post!" You mum yelled from the door.

Jumping from the couch, you ran over, snatching the letter from her. She stood there anxiously.


You dropped the letter, turning to face her with a huge grin.

"I'm going to UA!"

Your mum squealed, wrapping you in her arms as she twirled you around.

"I'm so proud of you!"

That's how you ended up stood in front of the door to 1-A, a huge smile of your face as you walked in. Many students were already there, by one of them caught your eye.


The blond turned to you, a wide grin on his face as he ran over. Wrapping you in his arm he spun around.

"(Y/N)! It's been ages! I didn't know you were coming here!"

You giggled, letting him set you back down you bounced up and down on the balls of your feet.

"Ya! It was super last minute, but I decided to come. Where's Aizawa?"

Your friend pointed behind you, and that's where you found the brooding black haired boy. Rushing him, you crushed him a large hug as well.

"H.. hey!" He protested.

Though he protested he never removed you, instead he looked away, hiding his face as he kept his arms by his side.

You finally pulled away, wrapping your arms around the pair with a huge grin.

"This is gonna be great!"

You and hizashi grinned while Aizawa rolled his eyes at the pair of you.

He watched you take Hizashi's hand and marched into the classroom like it was nothing. Jealousy welled inside of him at his friend, he trailed behind, eyes still glued to you.

He watched you run about talking to everyone, a small smile on his lips as he buried his buried his face into his uniform.

"Somebody's smitten~" a voice teased next to him.

Aizawa looked to the side, scowling slightly at his friend.

"I am not. I won't waste my time with such trivial matters."

With that, he walked away and took a seat, but not before taking another glance at you

Bound by fate (Aizawa x reader) Where stories live. Discover now