Chapter 7

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You were taken to the teachers lounge, which was super empty. Toshinori deflates with a content sigh.

"You're loosing time." You noted.

"Yeah, ever since I have all for one to young Midoriya I haven't been able to fold that form for long."

He sat at a table and you sat next to him, looking as he flicked through a file.

"What about your boys? You mentioned they were adopted, do they know?"

"Yeah, they do. I told them when they were old enough to understand, I have pictures of their parents in their rooms. They were upset understandably, but they still see me as their mum, and Jet as their uncle. Not many people know they're adopted though."

"I understand, you kept my secret, I promise I'll keep yours." He smiled, "What class are the twins in?"

"1-A, same as Izuku, right?"

He nodded, still flicking through the file.

"Crap..." he muttered.

"What is it Toshi?"

"They have Aizawa, Midoriya is going to be singles out from the start."

Your heart froze at the name, the bottle in your hand dropped on the floor making the hero turn to you in worry.

"What's wrong? Did something happen between you guys?"

You nodded, with a quiet sigh you explained everything that had happened and he nodded in understanding.

"I see, you were right to feel that way. Aizawa isn't the best when it comes to other people."

You snorted, agreeing with him.

"I don't care, he did what he did. I'm over it now, I just wasn't expecting him to be a teacher. What about Hizashi, is he here?"

"Yeah, he's in a class right now."

You nodded, a smile on your lips. You couldn't wait to scare the shit out of him later.

"I'm going to check on 1-A, wanna tag along?"

"No thanks, I'd like to avoid that asshole as much as possible."

Toshinori laughed, nodding as he left the room, promising to let you know how the boys are doing on their first day.

Feeling a bit bored, you got up and padded out of the room again, wondering about aimlessly until the bell went signalling it was break.

You were heading to your classroom when your phone went off.

Gabe: can I come eat with you, there's to many people...

You: of course darling, I'll come get you, where are you?

Gabe: outside 1-A

You stuffed your phone away and jogged towards the room, dodging students who were milling about.

You had to go to another floor to get there, and when you had you were panting softly trying to catch your breath.

"Gabe?" You called softly.

There was no reply, hesitantly, you peaked your head around the classroom door to see him sat at a desk, resting his head on it with a few students crowding around him, including Jessie and Izuku.

"(Y/N)! We don't know what happened, he... he just started to panic!" Izuku rushed out.

The class turned to you, some of the other students whispered about who you were and what sort of hero you were.

"Excuse me, ma'am!" A loud voice spoke up.

You turned to a boy with blue hair and glasses.

"Yes, what's your name?"

"I am Tenya Iida! It is nice to meet you! Gabriel was a bit nervous during session, and he kept getting worse. When lunch began he was on his phone then rushed in here!"

"Thank you Iida, you can call me Rain, miss (L/N) or (Y/N). I have You next session, but tell the others they can have an extra 10 minutes while I calm him down."

Iida nodded and ran away, you walked over.

"Jessi, Izuku can you grab him some food from the canteen and take it to recovery girls office for me?"

"Sure thing!"

Both boys rushed away.

You knelt down next to Jessie, peaking up to see his face, his eyes were clouded with tears and he was gripping his blazer tightly.

"Hey darling, it's just me... can you take a few deep breaths?"

You showed him and he copied you. Reaching up, you held out our hand letting he hold it as he tried to calm down.

"That's it, keep going. You're doing great, in and out, like that."

Another few moments passed, he slid from his chair and into your arms, shaking slightly.

"I.. I'm sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay! We all get nervous sometimes, it can be hard in new places. But you've got your brother, Izuku and myself here."

He nodded, burning his face into your shoulder, taking a deep breath.

"Can.. can we go eat...?" He asked softly.

"Of course darling."

You stood up, helping him stand. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, you looked around the classroom. The other students had taken themselves away and were eating and chatting.

You knelt down again, turning your back to him. He climbed on, and you held his legs, letting him hide his face in your back as you left the room.

You jogged down the way you came, heading to recovery girls office you slipped in, smiling at the lady.

"Sorry Recovery girl, your office was the quietest place I could think off. Is it okay if we stay here for now?"

"Yes, yes of course dearie. Take all the time you need."

You headed to the bed furthest away, drawing the curtains closed you set Gabriel down on the bed. Sitting with him, you pulled him into your side.

"Mr Aizawa.. said that if we came last in the tests we'd fail.. and... I came last... I couldn't use my quirk... we aren't going home.. but I got upset... I thought I'd let you down..." he explained, "then.. the hallways were loud.. and busy..."

Rubbing his arm, you kissed the top of his head.

"You'd never let me down Gabriel, Alright? I'm so proud of you for everything! You did really well today with all these people I know it's hard for you. But it's quiet in here, Alright?"

He nodded, Jessie and Izuku came back with some food and set it down.

"Can.. can they stay too...?" Gabriel asked quietly.

"Course we can bro! We won't leave you." Jessie beamed.

He handed his brother some food then you, and you all began to eat, you listens to them explain what they did for their first class, and people's quirks.

The warning bell went and you tidied up, shooing Jessie and Izuku away to wait in the classroom, you sat back down.

"I have to teach, but you stay here as long as you need alright? Recovery girl will be here and I'll be right next door."

He nodded, you kissed his head and walked out, heading back into your classroom as you begun to prep for class

Bound by fate (Aizawa x reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt