History in the Making //Part 2\\

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Kate huffed out, leaning her head in the palm of her head, occasionally giving glances at Arthur but still felt bored. Nothing has happened in the past minutes and Kate certainly hasn't felt any danger appear yet.
Claire, Steve have already left while Douxie had managed to let Kate know that they're all meeting inside one of the towers soon and that she needs to be there. That's if Arthur stops asking her questions and let's her go. He's been asking questions non-stop about Kate herself, where she came from, her species and everything else that you could thank of.

"Mistress Kate, I must ask. How old are you? You should surly be at the age to rule over a whole planet" Arthur questioned her as he sat on his throne beside her. Kate just gave him an eye roll.
"I'm 18..." she muttered with her head in her palm, "I'm obviously old enough to rule if I'm already the queen!" She rudely exclaimed at him with a scoff at him to which Arthur just frowned at.
"I would appreciate if you did not take that tone with me. You may be a queen but I am still the ruler of this kingdom and I will not sit here and listen to you bark at me like a babbling baboon" Arthur strictly explained to her as Kate gave him a small glare.

"Then sit somewhere else and listen. I'll just do the same!" She spat back, turning her back from him with a frown, "I'm only here because I want to get back home. Back to my present with everyone I...care about. It's better there..." Kate muttered under breath with a sigh. Arthur gave Kate a look before turning his head back from her.

That's when Kate suddenly stood up and stepped down the small stairs.
"And where do you think you're going?" Arthur asked her as he was about to stand up as well but Kate stopped him.
"I'm meeting up with the folk I came here with. You don't need to know where I go" Kate told him with furrowed brows before walking past the purple pattern on the floor and heading towards the large brown doors, exiting in a few seconds leaving Arthur alone.


"Well, that went better than expected" Douxie spoke as he closed the doors right after Kate walked in. She's found the tower in a matter of seconds by tracking their presences and just headed there. Inside the tower was a whole area of books, stacked on top of each other and many in bookcases with a large fireplace at the end where Steve was standing at. A small window barely let light inside as Kate just sat in the air, supporting herself with her energy and laying down in thin air.
"Are you nuts, Doux? Look what's happening here!" Kate started as she gave Douxie a small look of disbelief as Claire was also feeling the same.

"Jim's in prison and I'm the servant to a sorceress who tried to kill me" Claire rambled on with the same expression as Kate as she paces back and forth.
"Allegedly" Said Kate who was now just floating around the tower.
"Even worse, I can't get a signal!" Steve exclaimed as he furiously tapped on his phone with a annoyed expression.
"Oh noo!" Kate started as she pretended to be shock, "Now, we'll never know who won that Camelot Top Model contest" She sarcastically dragged on and then gave Steve a punch to his arm. "Ow! Stop that!"

"Technically speaking, she hasn't done that yet" Douxie said to Claire about Morgana, scratching his head, trying to reason with her.
"I don't care!" Claire spat at him as Kate floated back onto the ground with a now serious expression.

"Douxie, we're not even supposed to be here. We should be home in our timeline with our friends in the present—their future—our future. Whatever the fraz it is" Kate told Douxie as she saw Claire rolled up into a ball and sit down, quietly sobbing to herself. Douxie and Kate gave her a small look of sympathy.
"We can't return home...yet" He spoke as Kate stopped and gave Douxie a slightly shocked expression.

"Really? So what's the point of you even gathering us yet?! You know what, how about we just stay in this timeline? Yeah! We should do that! Because, apparently, we can't go home yet!" Kate shouted out as she bared her fangs and went in Douxie's face with a angry look, a dark glint in her eyes.
Douxie didn't move or jump this time as he just stared at Kate before he slowly gave her a small grin.
"Look, Merlin always insisted we never mess with time. We'll have to find a way back without screwing up history—" Douxie explained to both Kate and Claire.

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