Chapter 8 - And So It Begins

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July 14th Last day of school.

Savannah's POV

I was finally released from the hospital and was once again at school. I heard that Jacob hadn't come to school during my entire time off too. He said it was because if I wasn't there, it wasn't worth going. I thought that that was both sweet, but also wreck less cuz he could of gotten kicked out of the football team.

So there was all sat, Me, Jacob, Amity and Rave, outside the Art block like always. Suddenly, my phone started buzzed.

I picked it up and loomed at the number.

I froze.

"What's wrong Savannah?" Jacob asked, concerned.

"Uh! oh its nothing, Um Ami, an I talk to you for a sec." I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the side.

"what's wrong?!" She exclaimed.

I showed her how terrified I was. I was shaking all over and she could see it.

"One sec.. that text... it couldn't of been..." She trailed off

she was right. it was him. I was scared as hell. I showed her the phone, and we read the text together.

"Don't bother trying to hide. I've seen you around, with that boy. You better stay away from him, or you're gonna regret it and you know it." It read.

After reading my eyes were as wide as they could be, I had trouble breathing and, my knees gave out and I fell to the ground. I was so terrified, I just sat their with my back against the wall, head in my hands and shaking violently. Amity tried to comfort me, but it wasn't helping. I couldn't stop shivering and I was also unable to lift my head up or even move for that matter.

Jacob's POV

After Savannah ran off I immediately took off after her. I stopped at a corner and peered round it. I saw Amity and Savannah looking at her phone. Then,Savannah suddenly fell to the floor, holding her head.

I can't take this anymore, I've got to do something.

I quietly approached her, of course Amity saw me but she kept her mouth shut and left. I then sat down next to Savannah and pulled he in close to me.

"Listen Savannah, I might not understand what's going on, but I do know that its hurting you. Please, you've got to tell me what's going on or I'll never be able to help you." I told her. "and I hate it when I see you upset like this because I love you."

She looked up at me and looked deep into my eyes as I looked into hers. I then bent down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Its Harry." she finally spoke.

"Whos Harry?" I asked.

"When I was 12, I didn't have any friends. I didn't meet Amity until I was 13. But the only person who was ever there for me was a boy named Harry Rivers. He was one year older than me, but he still looked after me at school. He seemed really nice, but..." she trailed of for a few moments until she started again. "...but then it was the summer holidays. He thought it be fun if we went to this old creepy house. I didn't really want to go but I didn't want to loose my only friend. So I went with him. Biggest mistake I ever made. He shoved me into a dark room and locked the door. Then he tackled me onto the floor and tried to take my clothes off. He kept telling me that I was his mate but I didn't believe him. I only just managed to kick him off me before I broke down the door and legged it back home. The only people I ever told was my mum and Amity. Amity only found out because a short while after we met, he tried to grab me again. Luckily though Amity was there and she pulled me along with her as she ran towards our tutor room. I never told any of the teaches because there was nothing they could do. Harry went to a different school, and now he's just texted me and threatens me." She explained everything.

The first thought that hit me was...

Well... time to plan my murder.

Anyone who even insults Savannah gets punished, so imagine what I'm gonna do to this Harry guy. I looked down to see her crying. It hurt men to see her hurt.

"Savannah..." I began, lifting her head up " I promise you if this guy comes anywhere near you, I'm gonna protect you no matter what."

"He's an Alfa too, and not just and Alfa. He's the Alfa of the Shadow slash pack!" She told me.

The shadow slash pack was one of the strongest pack out there. Everyone was too afraid to even talk about them, let alone fight them.

"Its gonna be okay. I wouldn't care even if he was the Alfa of The eclipse moon pack, THE strongest pack, I would fight him with all my strength if it meant protecting you." I said, lovingly.

There no way in hell this guy is gonna live after what I've just heard. If i just see his face, I would snap his neck right then and there.

"I would rather die, then let anything happen to you" I said, kissing her again, only this time deeper.

I licked her bottom lip asking for entry, but just like last time she denied. So I grabbed her hips, put her on my lap and put her legs around my waist, making her gasp allowing me to enter. Our tongues dance around before we finally broke apart, and she fell asleep on me. The without noticing just how tired I was too, I also ended up drifting off to sleep, with Savannah cuddling up close to me.

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