Chapter 7 - Telling

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June 27th

Savannah's POV

When I finally woke up, it was really bright and I was no longer outside. I know for a fact I wasn't at school or in my house so I'm guessing I'm in hospital.

Just then someone entered my room.

"Oh my frickin god, you're finally awake!" Jacob exclaimed. "I was so worried about you"

"Jacob you're okay!" I replied

"Hu? oh you mean that gash that was at the back my head. That cleared up a while ago." he explained.

"What do you mean? how long have I been out?" I asked

"3 days." He answered.

3 days?! How the hell?

I think it was because of that fight we had. you must have exhausted yourself.


"Anyways I'm just so glad you're alright" he gave me a big hug before slamming our lips together again. We pulled away when we heard the door starting to open. It was Amity.

"SAV!" she screamed.

"Hey, not so loud Ami. I've still got a headache." I told her

"oops, sorry" she apologize. " anyways, I just came to see if you were okay, I'll leave you 2 alone" She then disappeared out the door.

I then turned back to Jacob.

"So what exactly happened, to me?" I asked him.

"well, of all when you passed out, it was because of some internal injuries that you had from fighting. Due to this, they had to do an operation in you but they needed a blood transfusion, In case you lost too much blood. So I had to mark you." He explained.

well that explains why I feel even more attracted to him then usual.

Just then the nurse walked in.

"excuse me sir. But I think it would be best for Savannah to get some more rest." she told us.

"Yes ma'am!" he said, doing an army salute. "I'll be back soon, so don't worry. I love you Savannah'

"I love you too" I replied. He gave me one last kiss before exiting.

Might as well get some more rest. I thought as I laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Jacob's POV

I have been pacing back and forth in my room all day, waiting for the doctors to call to tell me when I can go see Savannah again. I misses her so much, so what if i only saw her yesterday afternoon, I still want to see her. But like always, I'm stuck waiting.

Why is it that whenever we're waiting for something, time seems to go slower? I moaned.

you know what they say 'good things come to those who wait'.

Yeah, in that case I'm screwed.

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