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There wasn't just a castle, but it's what stood out the most. I'm not entirely sure my brain knew how to process what I was seeing. I started running through all of the modern countries that still have royal families, and while I could think of some, none of them were wearing clothes like we are on the day to day. Nothing about this was making sense. He did actually live in a kingdom. He probably is actually a prince. How in the hell did I get here? Am I dreaming? Am I actually dead? Why can't I remember what happened in the last five years?


I wanted to respond, but the words wouldn't quite form.

"Are you alright?"

"Um... I don't know."

"Do you recognize the city?"


"Oh... well, that's okay. Why don't I just take you to my home and you can stay there for the night. Maybe you'll remember something in the morning."

I swallowed and I think I nodded, I'm not sure. A majority of my focus was on the cobblestone streets, and the dim lights lining them. There were only a few people in the streets, some people going in and out of what I think were bars, although given where I am they might be called pubs. They're all dressed similarly to me and to Grant.

I have to admit, this place is beautiful. Flowers were everywhere, it was clean, the weather was nice, even the people seemed really nice. You could see a bit of excitement in their eyes as we passed, because of Grant, and then slight confusion when they saw me. I couldn't blame them. I probably looked terrified and not to mention a mess from being in the woods.

We steadily made the climb up the winding roads to the castle, and wow was it even more beautiful up close. It was massive, for starters. Gray stone and dark shingles. The grounds were covered with beautiful flowers and believe me, it was a lot of ground to cover. It didn't seem real. I was so stunned, I didn't even realize Grant had stopped and gotten off the horse until he said my name. When I looked, his hand was reaching for mine, so I let him help me down. I heard him mutter something, and then we were walking inside. It was all light stone and white marble, and gold accents. It was the kind of castle you only dream about living in, let alone existing.

"Grant, you're home!"

We both turned and looked, and I saw a woman with her hair tied back, a crown on her head. I had to assume she was his mom, judging by the fact that she looked older. Grant did a small wave, then turned to me.

"Wait here, I'll talk to my mother."

I definitely wasn't going to argue with him on that. She was gorgeous. Old Hollywood gorgeous and it was more than just a little intimidating. Definitely not the kind of woman you want to fuck with, and she was already eyeing me. I can't really blame her, considering she has absolutely no idea who I am. To her, I'm just some stranger her son dragged in from the street.

I waited as he talked to her, and I could see it was a friendly discussion, then it suddenly turned serious. That must've been when he brought me up. After a couple minutes, she nodded and he turned back to me.

"Come with me, I'll show you to your room."

I silently followed him up the massive staircase and down a few hallways before we came to a stop in front of one of the doors.

"You can stay in there. I'll have one of the maids bring you a change of clothes. We'll see how you feel in the morning."


I walked through the double doors and my jaw dropped at the size. It was practically the size of my first SoHo apartment. Stunning of course. At this point I'm just going to assume everything about this place is something out of a Disney movie.

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