The field is clearing up

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Nightmare approached his boys with a self-confidence that did not reflect his inner world of emotions. His bones throbbed in pain with every step, now that the corruption was no longer holding his body together as effectively. He would surely find dust in some places in his clothes later.

But ... He wasn't getting the reaction he was hoping for.

As soon as he found his boys, there was an uncomfortable tension between them. It was with surprise and shock that they saw Nightmare's small, passive form. Neither of them said a word.

Error was the first to react. One that Nightmare didn't expect. He turned his back on Nightmare and disappeared through one of his portals. Dust was next to turn and disappear into the portal, followed by horror. Betrayed, Nightmare stared after them. So much for their loyalty.

Not paying attention to killers, Nightmare turned. Why should he wait for his decision? It was obvious who Killer was going to follow. And only when he heard the portal close did he allow his tears to roll down his cheeks.

Why did he have to hope it would be different this time? Why did he give in to his feelings, even though he knew that it would end up again with being alone? Nightmare despised himself for not being able to hate his former datemates, his boys. That he loved them anyway, even though they had just turned their backs on him without hesitation.

The villagers were right. Nobody could love a monster like him. He was only meant to be alone, hated by everyone.

But he was hoping. He had so much hoped that his boys would stick with him, despite his now inferior looks. Nightmare had thought they would stay by his side anyway. Apparently he was very wrong about them.
... Maybe he should have stayed with Dream. His brother would surely have killed him once the corruption took over completely. And then everyone would be happy, wouldn't they? After all, nobody in this multiverse needed him. So it wouldn't make any difference whether he was dust or not.

“Stop the thought right there. I know this face and I don't like the direction in which your thoughts are moving."

Startled, Nightmare turned to the voice and looked at Killer with a single purple eye light. What was he doing here? Hadn't he gone with the others? So he voiced his questions aloud.

“Obviously you feel like shit Even there you looked like you were about to break down, boss. I also swore my loyalty to you when you pulled me out of the hole that my timeline is. In return you gave me your love and I'm not determined to let it go." Killer crouched down in front of Nightmare and gently pulled the smaller skeleton into his arms. He held it loosely enough so that Nightmare could withdraw at any time.

"Promise me.", Nightmare pleaded in a serious voice and put his hand around Killer's soul. “Promise me you'll never leave me, killer. Swear your loyalty all over again." Nightmare watched Killer kneel in front of him, his soul still in Nightmare's hand. He needed this confirmation that Killer wasn't going to serve him empty words. He needed to know that Killer wasn't lying, that he didn't leave him too.

“I swear on my soul that I will never turn my back on you. All of my being is dedicated to you, Nightmare. I am in no other place better than by your side. I will bring you the dust of any of these traitors if you wish." Killer's soul radiated nothing but trust, love, loyalty and determination. It almost took Nightmare's breath away. The trust and love that Killer gave him was far more than he had expected. Maybe he really didn't deserve Killer. But in that moment he allowed himself to be selfish when he gave a little kiss on Killer's soul before he returned it. He may not deserve this monster, but he was selfish enough not to let him go. Because without a killer at his side, he couldn't stand it. He needed him.

“Let's go home, Killer. There is a lot to plan. We have lost our pawn, bishop, rook and knight, but we are still standing. And just because my brother now has more pawns than me on his field doesn't mean that I'm defeated. The king and queen are still in the running. And until these two fall, the game isn't over."

The game won't end until the KING falls [Killermare]Where stories live. Discover now