Chapter 8:- The Contract Formed

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[249th day]

Today,I started by visiting Tatsumi at his dorm,but for some reason,the girl who has a crush on him tagged along with me while carrying a bag full of ingredients.Tatsumi has been asleep since 2 days ago,at the night I helped him to his room,but I already have a plan for the castle,while still developing my magic.


At last,Tatsumi woke up this morning,but with that girl around,I can't freely organize the plan with him,so I will have him come to rear school gate after school with the intention to inform him about the meeting place

He came into the classroom with a gloomy face,I wonder what happened because I went to school earlier than them,He replied my question with a mere "Nothing".

He glanced at the girl's seat,seems something really went wrong,for he has shown no interest in the lessons and the announcement before the break time.

"Miss Izuna" one of the students called out my name,for some reason I feel bad for her.because she was the one Tatsumi defeated in a duel the other day.

"Yes ?,what is it ?"

"Will you come to the assembly hall after school ?"

"I would if I can,but I'm afraid I already have plans for other things"

"okay then.but please come,it's the principal's announcement"

Announcements ?,so It's like some sort of command to them ?,seems strange

The clock currently counted to 5 o'clock,it's the time the school ended,as the school ended I'm immediately heading to the rear school gate,while I see Tatsumi at second floor as I called him

After briefing the plan to him,I prepared for the plans,according to plan,Tatsumi's going to take the shorter roads,which I believe will be more traps present there.

At the cliff's foot,I broke my illusion magic and started to analyze the paths with my water magic,and I got reactions at the farther road.

"Looks like somebody already know"

Tatsumi appeared from the shadows of the forest and already prepared with his tight suit along with the bag,after I told him to watch out for his surroundings because of his carelessness at our first meeting,we started to climb the road.

We followed the path while I casted protective barrier magic on him,the demonic energy intensity is still going up

"Nee-san,did you just breathe heavily ?"

He started talking to me,regarding the effect of the demonic energy which I felt too

Suddenly an arrow loosed on us,which tatsumi blocked with his kunai.

an ambush,as I thought.I'm quickly flying to the other side as Tatsumi told me to split up,and while freezing the archer with my water magic

Tatsumi is quickly running towards the castle,and I'm taking out the archers

"Wait a minute,aren't they familiar ?" I saw familiar faces,who I realized were my classmates

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