Chapter 3:- Capricious Magic and Unneeded Concern

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It has been 3 days since I lodged here,in water god shrine,but my quest won't walk itself to find the Yata mirror If I just stay still like this,so I will request Tsugumi-san to teleport us after I got rejected by her because she knew that I'm not fully recovered 3 days ago.

It has been 3 days,since I decided that I will regarding Izuna as My sister and Tsugumi-san forcefully push me to bed after I requested her to teleport Izuna and myself 3 days ago.

"Good Morning"

"Ah,Good Morning"

that's Izuna,seems she just woke up,while I had trained myself to the bone since dawn at the courtyard.

"Hm ?,You training youself again ?,didn't you just train yesterday ?"

that's true,but for a ninja,a day without training will dull your edge.

"Hey,don't push yourself too hard,little brother,I don't want to carry you back here if you pass out later"

Still hostile to me as always,but with reduced amount of hostility to the point I can accept it.

"Don't worry about me,Nee-san,I'm quite tough you know"

"My,aren't you two a lively couple"

Tsugumi-san,Izuna mother,still teasing me with mind play and her words,but please don't say things that will easily misunderstood by other people.

"Mother!,Please just don't say such things!and we are siblings!"

Izuna blushed while saying that,well I'm probably would do that too if I'm still Naive

"Uuum.." I wanted to request that she will teleport us today,but...

"Well,Seeing you two's conditions today,I guess you two will be good to go"

Right into my mind huh...

"Please pack your belongings and meet me at grand hall when you ready"

She turn back and walked into the way to the grand hall

"So it is time"


I and Izuna both come back to our room which we packed our's belongings.

Kunais,Ninjutsu Scrolls,Reserve clothes,Smoke Bombs,I packed them all in one bag while my ninja-to still in it's sheath,while Izuna seems packing Magic Technique Books.

After that,We walk to the Grand Hall

In the Grand hall,a massive Magic Circle are drawn,seems like a dimensional magic but too complicated for me to understand.

"Alright,Step in" Tsugumi-san told us to step in the magic circle

"I almost forget,where do you want to go ?"

"Okinawa,I guess I will begin the searching from the South"

"Okinawa...,okay,before you go,do you like a little transformation magic ?"

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