Chapter 2:- The Ryu is my Sister !?

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Yesterday was a crazy day, first I fell into a muddy pool, second a ryu girl attacked me and mistaken me for a pervert, and now I have heard that the girl who attacked me is my sister? Oh well, things that already be done cannot be undone, that's what my mom said when I make mistakes in the past and I will follow it as well.

I was frozen in my feet when I heard the revelation, not to mention that I'm not a pure blooded-human as well,and I heard Ryus are beings of incredible power, well even I just holded off a little balls of water earlier, I'm still freezing in my stance and location from before.
"Wait a second, Mother! What do you mean this pervert is my brother!?" Seems Izuna too can't hold her urges to deny that, and she quickly take the crystal ball from my hands and they start to argue about the present "misunderstanding", or in fact,in my field of view.
"Sorry Izuna, but that is the fact."
"a fact that my father is also the father of this pervert? Didn't you say that father leave the shrine for a task long ago!?"
"I did, but the truth is what I said before, He escaped the shrine and became a leader of a group in non-monster friendly area because of that"
"That"? I wonder what that means but I still have to check on my clothes, I will be in deep problem if I'm still here wearing only my pants after they finish arguing.
I'm silently sneaking away from them while they are still in argument to check if my clothes finished drying, as I ran through the bogs and muds, I was disappointed to what I found.
"Good lord! Not dried yet!?" I was surprised after found out that my clothes haven't dried yet, which I figured out that in this marshes the air is more humid than in the village and about regretting why I DID leave these things here and went exploring.
"Darn, if they find me like this, I'm really in for a complicated matters, seems I don't have a choice"In a panicking tone, I was preparing a handstance for a fire release, even though with my energy drained, I still have some reserves.
"Fire Release: Burning Wall"
burning wall is usually used for defence, but I'm already ran out of energy, and now because of that, only a small fire that appeared.
"Good enough, better quick before she finds out I'm here" I started to dry my clothes in a roasting fashion, due to the tightsuit is a breathable material and the jacket can easily be dried that way.
"So,you are here"an unpleasant voice came from behind, as I turned around, I found Izuna stared at me while I'm still drying my jacket and packing my luggage..
"Yes, what is it ? "I'm answering with a fake smile on my face.
"My mother said she wants to meet you and that I should bring you to kyoto, follow me"
She "walked" on the paths after telling me that, and I was still half-wearing my overall clothes and lifting my luggage. perhaps I do must follow her. because I can't read the map anymore, it's already withered.
[3 Hours Later]
After 3 hours of walking, I've finally arrived at kyoto, even when I felt strange gazes from people in town, to be frank, since I entered through the town gates.
"Hey, don't you think that people are staring at us in a weird way? "I whispered to her webbed ears with a low tone voice, which she replied with all hostility.
"No, it's only natural because it's quite uncommon for a human and a monster walk side by side in broad daylight"
So,that's it,even though we were not in anything, wait a minute, wasn't this area is still friendly to youkais?
"Here, we have arrived"
We arrived at a huge shrine, with a nameboard "Water God Shrine", and here I was again, dumfounded like a kid from countryside, all I was ever been in was 3 rooms house with 6 tatamis each, and all of them were full of traps.
"Welcome home, Lady Izuna"
a white lamia-no I think it's a shirohebi, greeted us at the front gate so formally while still sweeping the terrace.
"Don't be so formal, Reiko-nee chan, I'm home!"
Izuna suddenly hugged the shirohebi, which confuse me because she called her "nee-chan"
"Uuum, Hello ?"
"Ah, Sir Tatsumi I presume?, Please come this way, Tsugumi-sama has been waiting for you"
I followed her, after she shrugged Izuna away and Izuna herself seems to obey her, I guess she is her babysitter or something.
"Tsugumi-sama, Sir Tatsumi has arrived"
We stopped at the end of the corridor,which a lone double slide doors laid on the walls, as Reiko called the name of the one who called me, the doors opened by itself
"So, You have arrived, Tatsumi"

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