Chapter 2

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"We need to talk." That dreadful sentence that every couple hated. Everyone knew what it meant. Everyone knew where it lead. And everyone knew how horrible that feeling felt. You never imagined yourself saying that sentence, yet here you are. In a empty hallway, with your soon-to-be ex boyfriend, Sugawara Koushi. He knew the reason you had asked him to meet him after school, at the place where he had asked you out. Where the lie begin and where it was about to end. 

He knew he hurt you. He knew how much love you gave him. All the little actions you made just to make his life easier. You would make him bentos sometimes, even though you weren't the best cook and it meant you had to wake up earlier. You did it because you loved him. Staying late at night for him to finish practice and walking home with him. You did it because you loved him. Always keeping a pair of gloves in your pocket because you knew how cold he could get. You did it because you loved him. Going to his house in the morning so you could walk to school with him. You did it because you loved him. All these actions and more, they were all because you loved him. And all he gave you back was false love. 

A love that everyone knew was fake and made up.

He couldn't look at you. He cowardly started at the ground, while you just looked at him with pain and sadness all over your beautiful face. "Do you even love me?" Was the sentence you chose to break the silence. "Yes..." is what he said, barely loud as a whisper. "Don't lie to me Koushi" you didn't intend to raise your voice but, you just couldn't handle him lying again. His silence was enough to answer your question. Tears were threatening to fall but you didn't want him to see you cry. 

The hallway was silent again, before your hand slapping his soft cheek echoed. He deserved it and he knew it. "Do you have anything to say, Suga?" The way his name was spit out like venom made him flinch. "I do love you. I'm not lying, y/n... but I don't know how to make you believe me." He said as he finally gained courage to look up at you. "Well then think with that smart brain of yours and don't approach me until you fucking figured it out." Was what you told him before leaving in tears to your home.

Tears were streaming down his face now as well. He knew you didn't believe him but, he did, truly loved you. 

He just started to love you too late.

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