Chapter 4

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(Italic is when Suga talks)

There he was. The man you feel in love with, in front of you, asking for a second chance. The same man who broke your heart once and could do it all over again if he wanted to. But he wasn't like that, no. Sugawara Koushi wasn't the type to do that, at least not a second time. He was kind, loving, affectionate and supportive. But he also played you once. You didn't know what to choose. Rejecting him and suffering for a while but healing later, or, accepting his confession, living a happy life, but with the possibility he hurts you again? It was like the shadows were nagging you. They would mock you at whatever choice you would choose. But maybe he was true to his words and could make the shadows and their thoughts go away. Maybe he could make them disappear forever.

If you couldn't figure it out yourself, maybe he would help you. "How can I know you won't hurt me again?" "Because I love you. I've always had but I just now realize it and I'll make sure to never hurt you again." "How can I be sure I won't feel like I'm useless and pathetic again?" "Because I'll tell you everyday how amazing and perfect you are." "But Koushi, this isn't a pinkie promise. How can I know you'll be true to your words?" "Because you have to trust me" "But how?" More and more tears started spilling out of his eyes. "I-I don't know..." he wanted you with all his heart, but he didn't knew how anymore.

The realization finally hit him. Hit him so hard, he feel on the could wet grass on his knees. He would never have you back. He blew every chances he had with you. He had hurted you and made you suffer and now, karma was hurting him. He was cold, shivering and shaking. Of both the pain and freezing air. But suddenly, warmth washed over him. He could smell a delicate sent, a perfume he always loved. You. He didn't have to look up to realize that you had wrapped your arms around him. He put his owns around your waist and sobbed in your shoulder. Neither of you had to speak to understand that you were giving him another chance. Maybe it was stupid to do so. But when we're in love, we do stupid things. And you were ready to take the risk of the consequences.

For now, all you knew was that it felt good. It felt like home. Him, his scent, his arms, his smile, everything about him was home to you. 

Sugawara Koushi was your home.

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