Chapter 5 [final]

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Italic is when Suga talks 

You could call their relationship a love story. A complicated one at first, but a true love story. You could also say that most people envy and dreamt of having such a relationship like theirs. They were perfect for eachother. It is as they were meant to be together, forever. It started rough. Very rough. Y/n had gotten her heart broken first, and Koushi had his own too when they broke up. These were painful memories. But without them, Koushi wouldn't be standing there, as y/n was walking down the isle.

 "Do you remember how those two started?" Daichi, one of Sugawara Koushi's best friend said, looking at Asahi, second best friend of the groom who nodded as he was starting tearing up.

  "Y/n, I don't want to be that cheeky groom during the vows, but you'll have to excuse me for today. I love you. I truly love you y/n l/n. We didn't start in the most beautiful way I must say. I did break your heart, which I regret every day since then. But I also realize that, it's what made both of us stand here. At our wedding. But, before I can say I do, I just want to say thank you. Thank you, for always being by my side. Thank you, for always supporting me with my passions and dreams. Thank you for loving me every day and showing you care. And thank you for saying 'yes' when I knelt down on one knee. I love you. And I promise I will do the same for you. I'll love and care for you until my death and even after that, i'll love you. If we're ever reborn, i'll find you. No matter what the circumstances. No matter how far you are, if you're at the end of the world, i'll find you. Because y/n, I adore you."

Gosh how could this man make you fall for him even more each and passing day? Was what you were thinking after his vow. But now was your time to recite yours. The one you had practice in front of the mirror, scared you would mess up.

"Sugawara Koushi. You're right, you did break my heart. But you're also right that, it is what made us here today. I still don't know from that day on who made you bet, and play games with my heart like that but, whoever that person is, thank you. Because, it is because of this person that we started dating and being two kids in love. But, I want to talk about you the most. Yes this person made us get together but they didn't made our love for eachother grew. You did. You're caring, sweet, funny, supportive, loving, pretty, cute and well look at that I'm rambling! What I'm trying to say is that, you're perfect. Maybe not for everyone but for me, you are. In my eyes, you're the most perfect being to ever exist. Sometimes I'm even wondering if you're human or not with how amazing you are. I still don't know how I could get someone this good in my life. I even question if I deserve it or not. You're too good. And I love you. I love you so so so much. And being the person that makes you happy just feels wonderful. I feel so lucky to see your beautiful smile and face each morning when I wake up and the one to hear the usual 'good night' each night. I love you. And that, forever. Sugawara Koushi, my love."

And there he was. Crying. But not tears of sadness or anger, but just pure joy and love.

 "Sugawara Koushi, do you take y/n l/s as your spouse?" "I do." Of course I do. I'd be stupid not to. "Y/n l/n, do you take Sugawara Koushi as your husband?" "I do." "You may kiss!" The man who you were now kissing was yours.


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