Chapter 3

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Love. A supposed wonderful feeling. It is such an innocent thing. But if it truly is, then why did it feel like it had just shattered your heart? The man you loved the most never truly loved you. How cruel is that right? It had been one week since you broke up with Sugawara Koushi. And it felt like the worst week ever. You had failed the exam you studied hours for. You got in a fight with your best friend. Your parents grounded you for not having a good grade but the worst of all is that, you didn't have him. The man who broke your heart but who you still loved. Love is something that stays for a while. And falling out of love is hard. It needs more than a week to fully not love someone anymore. Maybe if I just went back to him I'll heal? I don't care if he doesn't love me. I need him. Was what you were telling yourself every night before falling asleep. But you knew you couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair for both him and you. 

 From his side, he was suffering just as much. The person he started to love too late had broken up with him. Tragic, right? He could only blame himself for it. He could blame whoever bet with him but, he knew it was his fault for accepting. He wanted to make it up to you. Show you that he really did love you. He just didn't knew how. How could he gain your trust back? How could he get you back. 

Then, it hit him. You had a song. As cliché as it sound, you had a couple song. Maybe if he played it, maybe you would agree to listen to him. 


School had ended by now. It was finally the weekend. It was finally the day where he would make you listen to him. There he was. At your house, in front of your bedroom window. Thankfully, you were still awake. He didn't want to yell your name. That would only alert your parents and neighbours. To be even more cliché, he started throwing little rocks at your window. You knew who it was. No one but him was that crazy to do that. You got off your bed and opened the window, seeing his figure in your garden. "Go away Sugawara!" Was all you said before closing your window again. He knew that now was his chance. 

 As you started to get into bed, you suddenly heard 'Perfect' play. You never thought he remembered that this song, was your theme song to the both of you. But why play it now, when he has already broke your heart? As much as your brain didn't want to go to him, your heart did. Your heart made your limbs move on they're own and you suddenly found yourself in your garden, with Sugawara Koushi, your ex boyfriend, right in front of you. He had a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hand. Another thing you thought he didn't care to remember, as you only mentioned it once in your relationship, when you were passing a flower shop. During the whole song, you only stared at him with tears eyes while he did the same. 

When it ended, he started to speak, closing his eyes while his head was down. "Y/n... I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know that, what I did is unforgivable knowing that you truly had feelings for me while I didn't. It's my fault for accepting this stupid bet. But, it's also my fault for not realizing that my feelings for you, started to grow bigger and bigger each and passing day when I was with you. I meant it, last week, when I said that I truly did love you. I just started to love you too late," he looked up at you, tears streaming down his face. "so please, I know it's selfish of me to ask but, please take me back. Please let me take in your arms again. Please let me rest my head on your lap after long hours of practice again. Please let me see you smile at me so brightly again. Please let me hear you say I love you again. Please let me tell you i love you for real again. Please, let me love you again." You could see how true his words were. How he genuinely meant every single one of them.

 "Koushi..." you didn't know what to do. Whether go back with him and give him another chance or, leave him hanging? 

Bet and games (Sugawara x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum