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Three months later after getting results: 

“I swear to god Brandon, if you do not piss of I’m going to rip your balls from your genitals and shove them so far down your throat you’ll be shitting them out.” Kayli screams at him as a contractions wrack through her body.

“Brandon, maybe its best you stop talking about your super sperm.” I say to him, wincing when Kayli squeezes my hand. “Ouch.”

Brandon’s face pales and he continues pacing the hospital room we’re in. I rub Kayli’s back with my free hand while Corey presses a cold compress to her forehead; Corey being the one most composed so far since Kayli went into labour twenty hours ago.

“Oh god.” Kayli moans. “I can’t do it. I can’t push three babies from my vagina. I’ll be ruined for life.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “You can do this, Kayli. Remember once upon a time I was saying I couldn’t do something, but I did? Look at me now.”

Kayli looks over at me, her eyes tired. She rakes her eyes from my inch long hair, to my full cheeks that have a permanent colour in them now down to my stomach where I have started to fill back out again now I’ve been able to keep food inside me for the last three months. Her eyes travel the rest of me before coming back up and meeting my eyes. “Yeah, you did it.”

“And you can do this.” I tell her, full of confidence.

She’s about to answer me with words, instead a scream comes from her mouth as her body tenses with another contraction. “Oh lord above, give me strength. I need to push.”

Pacing stops along with the chit chat that was in the room. Axel runs out the room a moment later, returning with Sean and some midwives. I smile and wink at him before giving Kayli my attention.

“I’m not sure you looking down at Kayli is such a good idea.” Raven says to Sean.

“Raven, I’m a professional right now. Not a friend, not a brother. A doctor, who is professional. Never, in the rest of my life would I mention to anyone the next however long it takes to anyone.” Sean says in a serious tone.

“Raven, I swear to go if you do not let him get these babies out of me, I’ll beat your ass up.”

Raven puts his hands up in the air, surrendering. “Okay, you win little thief.”

“Okay, Kayli. Shall we get you comfortable?” Kayli nods and Sean instructs her to sit comfortably, her back on the bed, her legs up which Raven and Axel hold. “Comfy?” Sean asks.

She shakes her head. “I feel like I should be sitting up.”

“Who wants to get on the bed behind Kayli?” Sean asks. Marc says he will. We scoot Kayli forwards so he can climb on the bed behind her. “Better.”

“Much.” Kayli breaths.

Kevin comes and stands beside me, prying Kayli’s hand from mine. “Squeeze my hand babe, you’ll break Sang’s if you carry one.”

Sean chuckles. Kayli nods and takes his hand. I rub her belly instead, needing contact with her as she goes through this huge moment in her life. Corey stands the other side of her, keeping her as cool as possible. Brandon stands beside his twin brother. “Ready Kayli?”

She nods, breathing hard. “I can feel another contraction coming.”

“And when it comes, push for me. Yes?”


“Good.” Sean turns to the midwife. “Everything set up for the three babies coming in the world this morning?”

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