Chapter Fourteen

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I twist and turn the silvery glittery ball in my hand as I stare at it, watching as the light behind me causes the glitter to twinkle. Normally, this is my favourite time of year; especially since I met my boys, but for some reason, I can’t bring myself to enjoy it; to afraid of never getting the opportunity to enjoy it again.

It’s the first of December and so much has happened over the last month, it’s tiring. I have met with Mrs Quinton and Mr Bails on several occasion of the last month, agreeing and disagreeing on different things, saying yes or no, swapping things here and there. I got so tired of it, I gave the rest of the appointment to Kayli and the others until the end of the year, where hopefully by then I will be having more tests done to see what’s going on with the cancer.

I pray for good results, but I don’t feel I’m getting anywhere. If anything, I feel as if I’m getting even worse. My hormones are through the roof, I can’t stomach any food or drink and I sleep the days away. My body is shutting down on me.

It doesn’t help that today I woke up with a blocked nose, a chest horrible cough and a sore throat. Sean checked me over and rang Dr. Roberts, asking for advice on what to give me to fight the yearly bug everyone receives. So now I’m on another course of antibiotics until I have fought the virus of which will be hard as my immune system is so weak.

Letting out a small sigh, I hook the silver ball-bulb onto the large green Christmas tree that gives of the wonderful scent of pine – a scent I can’t smell, mind you – making my house smell all Christmassy and warm.

I look back into the box and see the light baby pink glittery star. It’s the last one in the box which means everything else has been put on the tree in the right place. I stand up and look the tree over, smiling when I see its perfect with its silver, pink, black, light blue, dark blue, hunter green, red, grey and purple ball bulbs, ball-bulbs in our own colours.

I reach for the stall and pull it over to me. I stand on it, balancing myself so I can put the star on. Just as I reach forward to do so, a wave of dizziness washes over me. I try and focus my eyes and fight it off but I can’t. I feel myself falling before I realise it. I smack the back of my head onto something hard. Everything goes black.


I kill the engine to my car and look over at the love of my life. She sits looking at the window in a world of her own, her hand resting on large belly, feeling our little monsters kick and wriggle around. “Were here, little thief.”

Kayli jumps in her seat. “Oh, didn’t realise.”

I chuckle and get out the car, immediately going round to Kayli’s side and opening the door for her. She climbs out and takes the hand I offer. Together we walk up to the Blackbourne House. Kayli pushes open the door just as we here a loud crash coming from the living room. Kayli’s eyes widen and like one, Sang’s boys come running from all directions. We follow, practically running into the family room.

“Sang.” Kayli cries.


Me, North, Nathan, Silas and Sean are in the kitchen, slowly preparing dinner for tonight. A home cooked roast dinner, something we haven’t put together in a while. Sean cuts and peals carrots, Silas potatoes, Nathan cabbage, North is mixing the Yorkshire pudding mixture and I’m making stuffing balls.

The others are upstairs, putting up the Christmas decorations in the upstairs front bedroom windows like Sang asked while she put the tree together. We’re not talking, nothing needs to be said. We all know we have each other if we ever need to talk, just hang or whatever.

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