Chapter Fifteen

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The next two weeks are absolutely horrible. None of us get barely any sleep and when we do sleep, it’s only for short periods of time on the couple of spare hospital beds that Dr. Roberts had sent to Sang’s room. He said it was more for me so he didn’t have to see me curled up on a tiny hard sofa, but I knew he was looking out for all the boys to.

After the first three days, I sent all the boys home to shower and change, have something to eat and try and get a couple of hours sleep. I told them that if they returned within the next six hours then I would call security and get them kicked out until a certain time. North scowled at me but they all did as they were told, getting ushered out by my boys.

When they left, Erica and Jessica showed up and the three of us gave Sang a bed bath. Jessica even took the time to re-paint her finger and toe nails while Erica applied chap to her lips. I then let them have a moment alone with her. I returned an hour later after having a cup of coffee to see Erica and Jessica with eyes that had just cried tears.

When they left, I had settled myself down in the chair and read for abit before falling asleep. When I opened my eyes all the boys had returned freshly showered, shaved and dressed. Raven and Corey then took me home so I could rest. I hate being away, but I could demand of others to do it and not do it myself.

That’s what the two weeks were like, in-between avoiding calls from the Academy, wanting to know if we were going to take the assignment between Christmas and New Year. Owen never told Sang that he couldn’t refuse, he couldn’t find the words how because of how she reacted when she found out.

Eventually Axel and Owen both went to the headquarters and told them the situation and that we were all needed to look after this one beautiful little girl.

They left it at that.

Now today is the two week mark. It’s been two weeks since Sang had been inducted into the coma and Dr. Roberts will be removing her from it today. It could still be another twenty four to forty eight hours before she wakes up, but at least the swelling on her brain had gone down and that she has still been receiving her chemotherapy while being able to be fed through tubes.

We all sat and watched as Dr. Roberts removed the tube from her throat and injected something into the IV. He said nothing as he left.

33 hours, 24 minutes and 54 seconds for Sang to start blinking her eyes open. I only know that because Kota counted every second of every minute to every hour, never missing a beat.


I blink my eyes open, the bright light hurting them at first but after a few more blinks I’m okay. I focus on the white ceiling, trying to rid the blur. A face comes over mine and I can’t help the smile that over comes my face. “Hey Pookie.”

“Hey.” I croak out before Sean’s lips come down on mine in a soft gentle kiss. I sigh contently, returning his kiss gently.

He pulls back. “How you feeling?”

“I have a headache,” I swallow. “And I’m thirsty.”

Sean moves away and in his place comes Luke, holding a bottle a water with a straw. I wrap my lip around it and gently suck through the straw, welcoming the cool taste on my throat.

I pull away and Luke places a kiss on my lips. “Welcome back sweetie.” I smile at him. One by one, my boys greet me with smiles, kisses and whispered words. I savour the moment and know that I’m going to be okay as long as they are here to hold me up and keep me strong.

Kayli comes over next, taking my hand in hers. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” She kisses me all over my face; eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, head and temples. I laugh lightly. “Wow, I’ve missed that sound.”

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