LuciPOV: Mother Mayhem

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If he hadn't felt her touch, heard her words, and seen her face with his own eyes, Lucifer would never in a million years have believed it. He'd been wrong. Even if she'd been scared of him before, Chloe wasn't scared of him now. He didn't have to give her space like he'd thought. It felt like a miracle. She felt like a miracle. Lucifer just couldn't explain it, even to himself.

When he got home, Lucifer sat at his piano and played some old classics. Even with his leg all shot up, Lucifer was in a wonderful mood. He wasn't sure why he felt like singing love songs tonight, but he was well past denying himself the joy. Especially when there was no one else around to judge him for it.

Something else no one was around to judge him for was his sentimentality about the bullet Chloe had shot him with. Lucifer had found it on the ground, when Chloe had been arresting Roberta, and picked it up. He'd kept it in his pocket after that until he'd arrived home. Then he'd put it somewhere safe. It was strange, but the small piece of dented metal made him smile when he looked at it. Lucifer wanted to keep it around to see if the effect continued.

Lucifer had just finished another song when the elevator door opened. He hadn't realized he had an audience. It wasn't until he turned around and saw who was walking off that elevator that Lucifer froze.

The woman before his eyes looked rather disheveled. Her white blouse was ripped, and it was so dirty it hardly looked white anymore. She had on a short business style skirt and heels that were also looking worse for wear. He could tell her hair had once been up in a professional style bun, but now most of it was falling loose around her face.

Lucifer barely had a second to guess at who she could be before she spoke his name. She seemed upset, almost desperate, but none of that mattered because the moment he heard her say his name he knew exactly who she was.

"Mum?" Lucifer gasped.

"Help me," she said, then started to fall. Moving forward Lucifer caught his mother in his arms before she hit the ground. All that time and energy spent looking for her and she literally walked into his penthouse!

Conscious but wobbly, his mother managed to stand again. Completely out of his element, Lucifer suggested she sit down. His mother complied, then began her story without a single prompt from him.

She explained how the first two vessels she'd inhabited had been killed quite quickly - leading her to inhabit the woman she was in now. The goddess of creation went on in detail about the 'scary ringing thing' she'd hid in the ice and the 'tiny spear' she'd pulled out of her neck.

Lucifer could only imagine what a 'scary ringing thing' was but as she had the 'tiny spear' in hand he could at least identify that as a screwdriver. His mother's story of pulling the screwdriver out of her neck did explain the blood that covered her back, but Lucifer still wasn't buying it. She was the goddess of all creation and this was a wounded bird story.

"I swear all I've done for three days is wander around this cesspool asking these vacuous cretins how to find you," his mother defended herself.

Lucifer had made up his mind. This wasn't about getting an explanation for the past. This was simple. He'd made a deal with Dad, and the Devil didn't break his deals. His mother had to go back to hell, and he knew just the person for the job. Placing his palms together, Lucifer brought them to just under his chin and prayed for Amenadiel. What Lucifer needed right now was someone with wings who could take his mother back.

In hindsight, if he hadn't burned his wings taking mom back to hell would have been a bit easier. Still, Amenadiel would be on board with his plan, Lucifer knew, and able to help.

His mother didn't seem to like this idea. She kept claiming she wasn't here to hurt anyone. No matter how much he reminded her about why she should want revenge on him, all his mother said was that she wanted to repair their relationship. She said she wanted to be a mother to him again. It had been so very, very long since Lucifer had felt like he had a mother. A part of him wanted to believe her. He wanted to get the mother back he'd thought forever lost to him. He wanted to believe the Detective had been right, but he just couldn't. Too much had happened. His mother's word wasn't enough.

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