═══|Chapter 15|═══

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Monday had come by fairly quickly. Hinata had gotten up at the crack of dawn and did his daily morning routine consisting of taking a shower, getting dressed, eating breakfast and brushing his teeth. Once he had finished he said his goodbyes to his mother and sister before slipping on his shoes and taking his bike.

Half an hour later Hinata had arrived and parked his bike. He rushed off to the club room, suddenly he heard a yell from behind him. Hinata took a quick glance at Kageyama who was gradually catching up. Hinata quickened his pace and the two raced towards the club room, their yells echoing throughout the school grounds.

When they had arrived Hinata suddenly tripped over a rock. The ginger head let out a "bweehhh" as he skidded, face-first, on the sandy ground. Hinata looked up and grinned, "f-first!" He groaned.

Kageyama cursed under his breath as he tried to regain his much needed oxygen. "You... got lucky... boke!" He said through his heavy breaths.

"You guys never know when to stop now do you?" Sugawara asked as he approached the two with a sigh. The duo turned and looked at their upperclassmen.

"Morning!" They greeted in unison.

Once they all finished changing the group headed to the gym to set up the equipment. Hinata got a sudden flashback when he pushed the trolley beside the net, the time when the first effects of Hanahaki had kicked in. Come to think of it... I haven't had that many attacks lately... Hinata thought. I can't say for sure that it's gone though...

"Hinata watch out!!" Sugawara called out. Hinata turned his head to meet a ball to his face.


Hinata fell back and the ball flew in a different direction. The ginger head sat up, clutching his poor nose. "Ow... ow... ow..." Hinata muttered.

"You alright Hinata?" Sugawara asked, rushing up to Hinata as he slowly stood back on his feet, still clutching his sore nose.

"Y-Yeah..." Hinata muttered.

"Kageyama! Don't throw the ball so hard! He's not even that far from you!" Sugawara scolded the raven head.

"Its his fault for not paying attention!" Kageyama huffed in his defense.

Sugawara knew Kageyama had a point. Kageyama did call Hinata's name a before throwing the ball, but he still didn't have to throw it hard. Sugawara thought and sighed. After awhile the pain on Hinata's nose subsided, just in time for practice to begin.


Hinata sat down with a sigh, he gulped down his drink and stared out at the view of the school as students rolled in school grounds. "Hey Hinata!" The all too familiar bubbly tone snapped the ginger head back to reality.

"Hey Yamaguchi!" He beamed with a big grin.

Yamaguchi sat beside the smaller male and enjoyed the cool breeze. "Hey Hinata have you finished the review sheet the teacher gave us last week for the test?" Yamaguchi abruptly asked as Hinata took a few sips of his drink. Hinata suddenly choked on his drink making his cough.

"W-We have a test!? When!?" Hinata asked, panicking.

Yamaguchi chuckled. Typical Hinata. He thought. "This week on Thursday, I'm pretty sure." He answered.

"Ahh! I haven't started the sheet and I don't know what the test is about, I don't listen in class!!" Hinata groaned as he ruffled his hair. Yamaguchi put his hand under his chin, thinking. I'm busy all week... I barely have time to study... oh! Yamaguchi thought.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Where stories live. Discover now