════|Chapter 9|════

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Tsukishima looked outside the window; his golden-brown eyes scanned anything that passed by. He blocked out the world with his music blasting but even his music wasn't enough to block out his thoughts.

The events that had occurred about half an hour ago had been playing in his mind spontaneously. It annoyed him but Yamaguchi's words also played in his mind, he sighed, not knowing how many times he had sighed in one day, but he was sure it was a lot.

I wonder... what would've happened if I hadn't gone to see the game on that day? Tsukishima asked himself. Would it have been different?

'Hinata's a nice person, maybe you'd know that if you let your guard down a little.'

Tsukishima 'tsk'ed and pulled out his phone, he scrolled through social media. Why can't you just leave me be? Not everyone has to be friends with you... Tsukishima gripped his phone tightly after turning it off.

"--shima! Hey! Tsukishima!!!"

Tsukishima flinched at the sudden burst of sound; he snapped his head to the small teen in front of him. His innocent brown orbs stared into his golden-brown orbs, an expression of hurt that was lightly masked with a face of innocence stared at him.

"What?" Tsukishima snarled.

The painful expression on Hinata's face became more visible and the ginger head frowned. "We arrived... Coach asked me to get you because you didn't hear him earlier..." he spoke quietly but loud enough for Tsukishima to hear, "and... that Nekoma will be here soon..."

Hinata then quickly turned around and let out a cough, Tsukishima followed after Hinata who let out a few more coughs before taking a few deep breaths. The salty French fry looked at the small, but older teen and raised an eyebrow.

"Should you really be playing even though you're sick?" Tsukishima asked as he walked towards the building with Hinata.

"I didn't know you cared so much about someone you just insulted..." Hinata rebuked as he shoved his hands into his pocket and picked up his pace.

"Well, you learn something every day." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

The two arrived at the room where the first years were staying, and they put their gear down. They quickly changed into their practice clothes and immediately met up with their coach after eating a light snack.

"Alright, you can all do a warmup, Nekoma will be here shortly so be sure to greet them." Ukai ordered.

"Yes sir!" The team exclaimed in unison and with Daichi's lead they started with stretches and proceeded from there.


Sometime had passed and since Nekoma's arrival, both teams were warmed up and the game had begun. Hinata stood in the side lines waiting for the rally to be over so he could join the game. His eyes watched the game intently, suddenly his eyes landed on Tsukishima and the pain in chest had come back.

Hinata clenched his chest and shook his head. Focus on the game... focus on the game... focus on the game... He repeatedly chanted in his head until he heard the whistle blow and Nekoma's cheers. Alright! I'm finally on!

Hinata got onto the court, switching with Nishinoya.

"Tanaka nice serve!" Sugawara yelled from the sidelines as the second-year wing spiker bounced the ball. Tanaka took a deep breath and tossed the ball up, he ran and jumped, hitting the ball with all his might.

The ball soared over the net and Taketora quickly moved to the side, just managing to get the ball up. Kenma ran towards the net and nicely set it towards their ace. Lev jumped, his hand made contact with the ball and a grin formed as the blockers were a moment too late. Suddenly hands rose above the net and the ball hit against it.

𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 | TsukiHina |✔️Where stories live. Discover now