The Chaos Ends.

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"I love you, too," Connor replied. The grey hooded eyes looked at her, a small smile crept to his lips. Brooke threw herself onto the bed and on top of him, she kissed every part of his pale, less freckled face.

"It really is you," she squealed in excitement. Connor chuckled under her, he held her tightly as she nearly fell from the bed. Kamski dug the wires out from under him and discounted all his equipment.

"Let me sit up, Brooke," he said as he pushed them both up. Brooke apologised with another kiss before standing herself up. Connor looked down at his bare chest, his stomach was lined differently with the six-pack and his skin was paler. He was still to notice he had been transferred to the RK900.

"Hello, Connor," Kamski said, getting the android's attention. Connor looked past him and at the mirror that was attached above the sink, the first thing he noticed was the colour of his eyes. He jumped off the bed and ran to the mirror, he poked his cheeks where freckles once laid on another body.

"You didn't...." he quietly said. Brooke walked up behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "This is RK900, why?!" he shouted at them both. Brooke shivered in fear, the deeper voice made her fearful of him, not in awe.

"Connor, we had no choice. The bullet hit your Thirium pump, we had no other way of saving your old body," Kamski explained to him. Connor turned back to the mirror, he scoffed at the sight of himself. He looked ill by how pale he was, he was taller which he didn't like and his voice sounded like he had a problem with his throat. He hated this body.

"I didn't want this body, you knew this, Brooke!" he shouted at her. She tried to speak, but he cut her off by leaving the room. Everyone followed.

Hank and Gavin sat outside waiting until the doors slammed open and Connor rushed out, still partly shirtless. "Connor?!" Hank shouted as he got up and approached him.

"Whose idea was this?!" he asked in anger. Hank looked at Brooke who stood behind Connor, crying.

"Mine," he quietly said. Connor's mouth dropped open, he shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

"Was there really no other choice?" he begged Hank and even Gavin for the truth.

"It is true, Connor," Gavin answered. "We tried our best, but you lost so much blood and I think your body just... shut down." Hank nodded in agreement with the answer. Connor turned around as he looked at the ceiling, he held his hand out for Brooke. She quickly accepted and pressed herself against his chest.

"I'm sorry, Connor. We didn't know what else to do, none of us could handle life without you," she whispered against him. Connor shushed her, he held her tight and stroked her back.

"I am sorry I couldn't protect you," he said. Brooke shook her head with furrowed brows.

"No," she said looking up at him. "You gave your body up to save our lives, don't ever think you didn't protect any of us." Everyone nodded in encouragement to her words. Kamski pushed his way inside to speak to Connor.

"I need to run some tests on your body, I need to make sure all your programs are working correctly." Connor nodded, he finally let go of Brooke and hugged Hank, he even offered a half awkward hug to Gavin in thanks.

"Why don't you all go home?" he said. "You all need to clean up and get some rest. I am sure Kamski can look after me."

"Good idea," Brooke said. They all said their goodbyes to Connor and thanked Kamski for his help. Gavin dropped Brooke and Hank off home, they both went inside and went separate ways, Brooke went straight for the shower to get all the dried blood off her skin and Hank went to bed. Neither was ready to speak just yet.

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