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What is love? What is it like to love someone?

There was a time I need answers to these questions too. But now maybe I understood what is love.

To start with for me love is not a bond it's some that can't be used as a title, not at least for me. Love is something like a feeling. It's something you feel for someone.

You know when we become old enough to start understanding life we usually misunderstand stuff and started using the wrong words to explain a bond. And one of the most overused word or phrase is "I LOVE YOU". Some people don't even know its meaning and its importance, how deep this single phrase can get to you and how much this can affect you.

Usually, people use love a feeling as to define a bond and then they face difficulty because using this often can really end its meaning of it. Never say I love you to random people because when you will be in love then theirs no meaning left for you.

Usually, people say we love them even when they have just seen them, that always gave me a good laugh because if that's how loves work then I love every single person. For them, if start loving someone just by looking at them then dude your definition of love have been replaced by the definition of liking them, just check again that your dictionary is updated.

So I say I am love then it's not a lie. Yes, I am in love, I love some people.
And those people my friend are family and the closest one. Now don't mistake this love as the bond it's a pure feeling of caring and cherish them.

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