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It's been a long that we spoke to each other, it's been long that I heard your laugh, it's been a long that we gossiped together.

According to me, time and distance are in some sort of sweet-sour relation because the more time you give to someone the less distance you are from them or vice versa. Believe me, everyone wants attention, some want from everyone and some from their certain someone. But we lack one thing in this, their time. Because maybe their time is for someone else and they need distance from you.

And the human nature we have, we start running after them, which we think is easy. But in reality, we are running from the truth that they are gone. We pretend that the distance is reducing but we all know it is increasing every time you do something. Because other people don't have time to address the efforts you are putting in them.

In the end, all u left with their memories, now it's on you, it can be sweet or sour.
For me, you should always remember their sweet memories that makes you happy and relieved.

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